Chapter 17

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Kendall wasn't in detention, and I was beginning to worry. I hadn't seen her since lunch before Zach called her a bitch. She always showed up to detention, even if we didn't stay for the whole time. My leg bounced nervously as I sketched in my notebook, waiting for Mr. Rhodes to return and dismiss us. All I could think about was Kendall. I was scared she was alone somewhere, crying in a bathroom. Or she decided to walk home. She lived at least thirty minutes away by car. Walking would take at least two hours. Surly she wasn't mad enough to walk home?

Mr. Rhodes threw the door open, "alright, delinquents, get out. I want to go home." He said before exiting the room again.

I quickly gathered my notebook and backpack. I left the room, speed walking to the locker rooms. As badly as I wanted to go search for Kendall, I had a responsibility to the soccer team. Having detention made my job a bit harder. I only had fifteen minutes to get the equipment to the field instead of my usual hour.

I managed to gather all the equipment and fill the water cart in ten minutes. As I drove the cart to the field, I saw a player on the field, shooting balls at the goal. Once I could make out the figure, I was instantly relieved. It was Kendall, practicing her shooting.

She didn't make any indication that she noticed I had pulled up. She continued to kick a line of balls into the net. Each one landing in a different corner. She was drenched in sweat and breathing heavy.

"Need some water?" I yelled to her as I turned off the cart and unloaded the ball bag.

She lifted her head, looking at me with a weak smile, "Hey, Ronnie," she said out of breath.

She jogged over to me, picking up her water bottle and filling it at the cooler sitting on the back of the cart.

"How long have you been out here?" I asked, furrowing my eyebrows. Her clothes were completely soaked with sweat. The hair that normally framed her face was stuck to her neck and forehead. Even being a sweaty mess, she looked flawless. The sweat glistening against her sun kissed skin made her look like she was glowing.

"Since lunch." She said before chugging her water.

"Seriously?" I asked in disbelief, "That was four hours ago!"

"Was it?" she asked as if it were no big deal, "guess it means it's time for practice." She shrugged before returning to the field and retrieving the balls from the net.

"are you crazy? You have to be exhausted!" I said, just staring at her.

"Nah," she said, kicking multiple balls in my direction.

I dodged them as they flew a bit too close to me.

"Really?" I asked, rolling my eyes. She seemed to be in an okay mood, but something about her aura was off.

"Ooo, are we playing dodgeball with the team manager today?"

Kendall and I turned to see the rest of the team approaching the field. Brooke, one of the team's forwards was leading them, wearing a smirk as she chucked a ball at me. I quickly put my arms up, blocking the ball just in time.

"Seriously, Brooke?" I groaned. The last thing I needed right now was for the team to gang up on me.

"What, water monkey?" She asked with a chuckle.

"Knock it the fuck off, Tasker." Kendall growled as she stepped between Brooke and me.

"What, Coleman? You're the only one that gets to pick on her today?" Brooke rolled her eyes.

Kendall stepped closer, standing only a few inches from Brooke, causing her deminer to changed and she immediately shrunk.

"You have a problem with that?" Kendall's voice was low and cold. It was enough to make me shutter.

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