Chapter 35

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Quinn pulled up to Nick's house, parking her red 2009 Tahoe on the curb. Kendall and I were in the back seat, holding hands. It was thanksgiving and Quinn had picked me up per Kendall's request. To keep up the charade of Nick and I's relationship, I had been invited to their family thanksgiving dinner. I was hesitant at first, but minimal convincing from Kendall made me agree. Although, Zach was going to be present all night, which had both of us on edge.

"You two sure about this?" Quinn asked, looking at us through the rearview.

When Kendall told Quinn we were dating in secret, she was skeptical, but agreed to keep our secret. She was nothing if not loyal to her little sister and determined to keep her safe. Something I was growing more and more jealous of. Even with the jealousy, though, I was so happy Kendall had someone besides me looking out for her.

"I'm not spending thanksgiving without my girlfriend, even if I have to pretend we are just friends." Kendall said, rubbing the back of my hand with her thumb.

My cheeks warmed. She had asked me to be her girlfriend the monday after our sleepover. She asked as we were saying our goodbyes after I drove her home from school. She had gotten quiet and retreated into herself. When I asked what was wrong, she blurted it out, "Will you be my girlfriend?"

It had caught me by surprise and had hesitated a moment too long, because she timidly started apologizing and began to get out of the car. I had quickly grabbed her arm and pulled her back into me, kissing her softly before saying, "of course I'll be your girlfriend."

"You wouldn't have to pretend if you just told everyone." Quinn pointed out.

"If I told everyone, they are going to think I'm a homewrecker. Not only that, but I'm not ready to tell all the cousins. I know our aunts and uncles think I'm bisexual and are accepting, but it's a lot to come out. I'm not ready."

"It's okay," I said, giving her hand a squeeze, "There is no rush to come out. I'm just happy to be able to be here with you."

She smiled at me. She started to lean into me, but Quinn cleared her throat before our lips could meet, "Zach's here."

"Fuck," Kendall whispered, still only inches from my face.

I looked out the window to see Zach had pulled onto the curb across the street from us. Kendall and I untangled ourselves before exiting the car, followed by Quinn.

"Ladies," Zach greeted as he approached us.

He swung his arm around Kendall's shoulder and kissed her cheek. I clenched my jaw to keep from scowling.

"Zach," I said evenly.

Kendall flashed me an apologetic smile – something she had started doing every time Zach was around – as they walked into the house ahead of Quinn and me.

I helped Quinn unload all the food Kendall had prepared the night before. I had gone over to her house to help her cook, though – much like when I helped my dad with the Shelby cobra – I stuck to handing her the spices and utensils she needed. She had slaved away making mashed potatoes, stuffing, green bean casserole, and cranberry sauce.

"Careful. You clench your jaw too hard, and you'll chip a tooth," Quinn joked as she handed me the large bowl of mashed potatoes.

"Right," I blushed.

"You holding up okay?" she asked a bit more seriously, "I know it must be hard to see her with him. I know I hate seeing her with him,"

"It's hard," I admitted, "but if pretending to date him makes her feel safe, then I don't mind. I know she cares about me, and I care about her. that's all that matters."

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