Chapter 32

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"Grab the soy sauce out of the fridge for me?" Kendall asked as she stirred a sauce concoction at the stove.

She was making some kind of teriyaki salmon rice bowl for dinner. She had started the rice first then began on the sauce second. The sauce she was preparing was a homemade honey teriyaki. I had expected her to be looking at a recipe on her phone or in a book or something, but she was winging it completely. She didn't once use a measuring cup.

Quinn wasn't home yet, so it was just Kendall, Schmidt, and I in the apartment. Once we were safe in her home, everything started to fall back to how they were. The tensions between us had completely melted away and we were the best of friends again.

Kendall had changed out of her school clothes and into short gym shorts and an oversized t-shirt. It was just short enough to show the hem of the bottom of her shorts. She had pulled her hair back into a messy ponytail to keep hair from falling into the food she was cooking. Still, she looked hot as hell.

I opened their fridge, scanning the shelves for a soy sauce bottle. Once I found it hidden away behind half empty ranch and ketchup bottles, I waltz over to Kendall and set it next to the stove.

"Thanks," she smiled at me, planting a kiss on my cheek.

I felt my cheeks burn red. It felt surreal. I couldn't believe how much had changed in such a short amount of time. She had feelings for me and each little touch, little glance, kiss, only made my feelings stronger and abolished any doubts that it was all in my head. My cheeks were beginning to hurt from how much I was smiling.

I hopped up on the counter, sitting next to the stove as she whisked her sauce.

"It smells so good already," I said, feeling my stomach grumble.

I hadn't eaten much in weeks. I had been too consumed in my numbness to feel hunger. I had been living off of slices of bread and peanut butter.

"I'm glad you think so," she said, "but the taste is what matters."

"I can't imagine anything you make could taste bad." I said, stretching my arms out in front of me, "Besides, I'm so hungry right now you could literally hand me completely burnt grilled cheese and I'd think it was the best meal I've ever had."

She laughed, wrinkling her nose and shaking her head, "First of all, I would never burn a grilled cheese. Second, if I had a stroke and somehow burnt a grilled cheese, you are the last person I'd give it to."

"There's that confidence I was talking about," I joked, playfully nudging her with my foot.

She rolled her eyes, "You're a brat."

I giggled, biting my bottom lip. She turned the heat down on the stove, letting the sauce simmer. She looked over at me with a longing glint in her caramel iris's. She stepped closer to me, standing between my legs, and wrapping her arms around my neck, "But a really, really cute brat."

Butterflies stirred in my stomach. It was the first time she had complemented me like that. It started a fire in my chest.

I leaned down and kissed her on the lips. She must have snuck a taste of the sauce because the sweet tang of teriyaki spread across my tongue.

"The teriyaki sauce is good," I breathed between kisses.

She smiled into my lips, her hands moving to my hips and pulling me closer.

A loud thud rang out through the apartment, causing us to jump apart. Kendall took a few steps back and we both whipped our heads in the direction of the noise. Quinn had kicked the door shut behind her as she entered the apartment. Her hands were full with bags of groceries, and she still had her cop uniform on. She had a wide, knowing smirk on her face as she glanced back and forth between Kendall and me.

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