10. Return to Planet Earth!

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Author-kun is thanking everyone for the 300+ reads! <3

Robe Color = (r/c)


[ Third Person's Pov ]

    "Priapus' the old leaf elemental's body right?" Lightbot questions in confusion, "Hm...no he's probably his ancestor." M/n replies with a smile on his face as he enjoys reading the old folktale, Goddess (g/n) told about it to him and all of the past juniors and seniors.
   Who would've thought the ancestors', would be M/n the person in the old folktale in the Luminous' Palace Archive.

"Do you like reading these lies?" Lightbot questions his friend, only receiving a small hum as Lightbot deeply took in his friends' features and re-solving the old folktales' protagonist's feature.

"Do you think everyone met their ancestors?" Lightbot threw a question at M/n out of curiousity which only made M/n hum-ed and a small smile formed on his mouth, before replying "There's a small chance of possibility, In my own opinion it's not possible." M/n replied with both of his eyes closed and a small smile on his face.
   "Well I wanna meet the protagonist in this folktale!" Lightbot exclaims with a smile on his face and both of his robotic arms in his round body in both sides.

"Well, that must be your imaginary then." M/n comment with a teasing smirk displayed on his face, "Hmph, at least that is my wish! To meet the cool (dumb) protagonist!" Lightbot says whispering the 'dumb' part to himself, "The protagonist is indeed dumb." M/n commented as he began whistlin', Lightbot let out a small giggle at the (h/c) hair colored male's comment.

As Lightbot looks back at the book, he saw a rip out page and the others were burnt making the powersphera confused of what was the possibility of the chaos on the book, "What happened next??" Lightbot asks out confusedly as he rose an eye brow and look through every pages as M/n notice Lightbot which only made him sigh.
  "That. I don't know what happened to the book." M/n says making Lightbot sigh as he wished to find out what happens next in the story.

"Ne, this is out of my question about the old folktale." Lightbot says as he look at M/n who felt his eyelids slowly close mid-way, "What is it?" M/n asks as he rose an eye brow at his powersphera friend, "Do you have any blood relatives here?" Lightbot asks in curiousity, M/n stayed quiet for a long moment before standing up and dusting his clothes as his (r/c) robe slowly straight-en as he slowly walk towards the bookshelf and grab the history book of the branch tree and the heir family, tossing it towards Lightbot before laying back down on the couch comfortably.

"You'll find the history about the branch family and the heir family in that book." M/n stated as he let out a yawn as he felt his eyelids close, Lightbot hums as he open the history book of the branch family and the heir of the family.


   Lightbot widens his eyes after finding out that his friend [ M/n ] was part of the heir family, despite that M/n is the only one alive and yet the single heir of the L/n, that made Lightbot's see stars in his eyes as he imagined M/n wearing the heir clothes and wonders what he'll look like.
   'He definately will look stunning in the L/n heirs' clothing!' Lightbot thought in his head with a bright smile displayed.

[ Boboiboy's Pov ]

   Ochobot and I are sitting on the chair as he kept scolding me for not being careful along with the others but it's mostly about me, though I clearly don't understand why he only kept scolding me that long...
  I dose off as I recall the person wearing a beautiful (r/c) color robe and a flower in his (h/c) hair, I couldn't help but wonder if we get the chance to see him again...he even has beautiful (e/c) orbs that I possibly could get lost in those eyes.

"Boboiboy, hey are you listening to what i'm saying??" Ochobot rose an eye brow at his friend as he squint his eyes at me, which only made me let out a chuckle and rub my non-itchy cheek, "Ehehe...sorry." I apologized as I let out a small sigh.
   "Are you still thinking about what had happened?" Ochobot asks making me let out an even big sigh.

"Don't worry about it Boboiboy, Commander and Admiral let us take a leave for a week." Ochobot says making me quite relieve at that but a part of me wants to make up for my failure, "But I..." before I could retort back something, Ochobot held both of my shoulders, "Don't worry about that for now Boboiboy, I'm sure we'll make up for our failure." Ochobot says making me felt quite relieve.

"Ah, look at that my student of justice, we can see earth from here!" I overhear Captain Papa says making me walk to the front where the others are and saw the view of Planet Earth, "I can't wait to go home!" Ying exclaims making Yaya agrees with her.
    "Yeah, I agree! I can't wait to eat Ama's curry!" Gopal exclaims as Fang and I let out a sigh at Gopal's exclaim.


   The spaceship's door open as I saw everyone from below especially Yaya, Ying and Gopal's parents and Tok aba, I hugged Tok aba,

[ Third Person's Pov ]

Boboiboy hugged his grandfather, Yaya and Ying hugged their mother and Gopaal hugged his father's chicken curry he made which made him let out a sigh and a sour face displayed, "Hmp." Let out Mr. Kumar, "Why do all of you have bandages in your body?" Tok aba questions in curiousity.
   "Ah.." Boboiboy and his group couldn't say a word as they all just rub the back off their head, as well as letting out an awkward chuckle.

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