♥ twenty six ♥

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He just stared as if he couldn't process what I just said. I furrowed my eyebrows before poking his cheeks. No reaction. I tilted my head, trying to figure out what was wrong.

I got nose to nose before he suddenly snapped. He clutched me close, tears in his eyes. I stuffed my face in his neck as I started crying myself. I don't even know why but I felt joy and sadness at the same time.

I inhaled his scent deeply. His perfume was calming.

"You're being serious?" He asked quietly, as if he couldn't quite believe I was being honest.

I nodded with a smile before he pressed his lips onto mine once again. His tears mixing with my own.

"So Jimin was being honest," he mumbled in my shoulder.

"What? What did Jimin say?"

"He said you kissed him." I groaned before dropping my head on Taehyung's chest.

"That was supposed to be a secret the little snitch. I'm gonna get him," I pouted. He giggled before standing up with me in his arms.

"What about the others? They're worried about you."

"They'll feel my happiness don't worry. And plus I'm telling each of them separately. Keep it quiet and do better than Jimin for me please," I begged him. He set me down and pecked my lips.

"Of course baby," he smirked, the sudden pet name making my heart explode.

"They're gonna thing puppies attacked me with kisses with how fast my heart is beating," I sighed before playfully hitting his shoulder.

He tried hiding his smile as we walked out and to the cafeteria where all of them were waiting impatiently. I felt bad for leaving Vai to try and entertain them all. She wasn't doing bad though-

"Hi guys," I waved shyly, looking at my feet.

"Y/n!" They cried in relief, each of them running and tackling me.

Taehyung stood smiling to the side as the initials on his thigh glowed bright.

"Okay guys I can't breath," I complained, swatting them away until just the maknaes were clinging to me.

"Why were you so sad?" Jungkook asked quietly. I ruffled his hair before smiling.

"I'll tell you late Kookie."

"Uh I want to know why Taehyung looks like he's about to burst?" Yoongi asked.

All our heads snapped in Taehyung's direction as he put on his poker face. "I don't know what you're talking about Yoongi-hyung."

I mentally applauded Taehyung's acting skills. That face was no joke.

Yoongi narrowed his eyes at the younger before rolling them.

"Whatever you say," he muttered. I giggled at their cute interaction before I remembered the time.

"Shit Jugyeong!" I shouted before sprinting out the doors and to my car.

.⋅ ۵♡۵ ⋅.

"Well it's about time you get here," Jugyeong scowled as her arms crossed. I dropped in the chair across from her, panting.

"I was busy in my defense." I dropped my purse onto my seat as well before.

"Doing what? Making out with one of your boyfriends?" She scoffed as I smiled.

"In fact. Yes I was."

She spit out her coffee all over the table before smiling apologetically to the girl glaring at us behind the Cafe counter. She quickly wiped it up with napkins before turning her attention back to me.

"Man you and Sunmi are extremely similar. Except I told her about Jimin and I'm telling you about Taehyung."

She choked on her scone before coughing and hitting her chest to calm down. "I didn't think it was that surprising. They are my boyfriends after all," I smirked, putting quotations on the boyfriends.

She rolled her eyes. "Okay I get it. I'm sorry. But- all the details tell me!"

"Well I was just planning to tell them all separately I want to be soulmates and move on from friends but then they told me they're going to China at the end of the week! And then after that their jam packed with their tour promotions." I sighed, rubbing my finger on the rim of my glass.

Jugyeong opened her mouth to say something before snapping it shut. "What?" I asked when she looked startled.

"I think that's Seojun," she whispered. I subtly tried to turn and see who she could be talking about. As soon as I did I saw his familiar figure and snapped back around.

"I haven't been answering his calls! Hide me!" I pleaded.

"Just keep your head down," she answered, motioning for me to duck my head.

"Hey remind me why we have 3 seats at our tab-" I was cut off when someone pulled the out the empty chair between me and Jugyeong.

Well shoot.

"Hey Y/n. Girl I don't know." Seojun smiled slyly. I took a deep breath before turning to him.

"Seojun! It's been awhile," I answered with a tight lipped smile.

"It has! You haven't been answering my calls," he leaned forward on the palm of his hand. Jugyeong tensed in her seat as she scoot her chair to the right and closer to me.

"Uh I don't think they were coming through!" I answered, shuttering a little the closer he got.

"But I left messages too," he made a pouty face as he reached out to my wrist. I barfed. Maybe not physically but I puked.

"Okay well apparently neither were coming through."

I slowly passed Jugyeong my phone under the table and motioned for her to call someone. She nodded subtly before pretending to tie her shoes.

"Can't I check your phone? I bet I could fix it!" he smiled again.

"Sorry but it's dead right now. I'm afraid you can't do much."

"Hm well then. Who is this?" he gestured to Jugyeong who jumped in her seat, hitting her head on the table and groaning.

"My name is Jugyeong. Pleased to meet you," she said through gritted teeth.

"I'm Seojun," he held out his hand.

"I know who you are." She barely touched him and shook his hand.

"Well what do you think I should order Y/n? Or should we ditch the Cafe and go for a walk?"

I shook my head quickly before he stood up and grabbed my wrist, pulling me up with him.

"Hey let me go-" Someone grabbed my arm and pulled me away from him. I was hidden behind a familiar figure, dressed in black and broad shoulders.

.⋅ ۵♡۵ ⋅.

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