Chapter 8

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Mr. Salvatore walked me around the school. Showed me everywhere I needed to know.

We had walked through the main common room, the gym, the kitchen, and class rooms.

We were currently inside of the Salvatore library. As we were walking around and he was talking I noticed a display case.

I looked at the items inside of it and noticed a couple things.

There was a necklace, an old looking necklace. It had a red gem in the middle of it.

The next was a blue ring with what looked like a crest on it. It had a D in the center of it.

The last were books. More like journals. They were leather and there were about three of them.

I heard Mr. Salvatore's footsteps coming towards me.

"You weren't listening to a word I was saying, were you?" He asked with a small amused smile on his face.

I shook my head, still looking at the display. I was about to ask him what all this was but he beat me to it.

"This is the Salvatore display. The necklace belongs to my sister in law, Elena. From the picture, remember? And this ring was my brother's daylight ring."

"Was? As in he's not a vampire anymore?" I questioned, curiosity getting the better of me.

"Yeah he took a cure so he could be human with his wife." He replied, a little sadness in his voice that he was trying to mask.

I nodded my head. Not prying any further into his business.

"And whose books are these?" I tried changing the subject.

"These are actually my journals." He replied.

I snorted but tried to cover it with my hands. He looked at me confused on the snort I failed miserably to hide.

"What's so funny?"

"You have diaries?" I laughed a little, trying not to burst into laughter.

"They're not diaries. They're journals, thank you very much." He tried to justify himself.

"And what do you write about in these journals? Your feelings?" He looked at me for a second before nodding his head.

"So a diary?" I laughed. He shook his head with a little chuckle.

"Oh, you should rename them to the Vampire Diaries, you know?" I told him, still laughing.

He shook his head and started to walk away a little bit. I decided to take this as a sign we were leaving and followed him.

Then I decided to ask him some questions.

"Soooo, how old are you? Like in vampire years and human years?"

"Well, I've been 17 since 1864. So over 150 years old."

"Damn." My jaw dropped. I mean I knew he was an older vampire but I haven't actually met one from the 1800s other than family.

I mean he looked good for his age.

"Sorry, it's just the 1800s. That's crazy. How'd you use the bathroom? Like was it an outhouse? Did you have to boil the water for a bath? Dude, how did girls have their periods, like were there pads or something?" The questions just kept popping up in my head.

He was going to answer when a familiar blonde headed girl walked over to us.

"Hey uncle Stefan, I was just going to ask you if you knew where our newest student was." Lizzie asked as she walked over to us.

Runaway Daughter [Mikaelson Daughter]  ✓Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin