Chapter 11

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We have lasted four months together.

And were still counting.

I graduated from boarding school. I was no longer a student.

Alaric offered me a part-time teaching job so here I was teaching kids magic.

Memories were made. Laughs were shared. Love is spreading. Yet, the guilt was starting to build up.

The lies were making their way to my subconscious.

They still know me as Aspen Smith.

They still believe I'm only just a witch.

They think that I have no biological family.

It's hurting me to not tell them anything. To even imagine the looks of betrayal that will show on each and everyone of their faces when they find out about my past.

Speaking of the lies, the magic I converted the hollow to has been acting weird.

I had converted it into dark magic but have slowly been getting rid of it. Lately, it feels like my magic and that magic has been combining together and it's not a good thing. It's terrifying me. The way my magic feels is light, nature, life but I can feel the dark magic in my veins, merging together. I can feel the darkness, death, the goddamn misery it carries in my body. Spreading like a sickness, a disease that I don't know how to cure.

I know that sooner or later it's going to catch up to me. I couldn't focus on that at the moment. I was on my way to the classroom to teach a lesson when I was approached by Caroline. She had a face that showed she was nervous.

She was a very kind and bubbly person but she was also a perfectionist. I had to create a lesson plan for the next 6 months.

I can't even decide what I want for lunch today and I had to create a whole agenda for the next 6 months of my life.

"Hey Care, are you ok? You look worried, more than usual."

"Thanks for that. I have a new kid coming today and I don't particularly want to do this tour." Her face dropped after my comment.

I don't know who this new kid was but she looked like she was about to have a heart attack, even if she was dead.

Maybe I should be nice today.

"Well, what time are they supposed to be here?" I asked her.

"About ten o'clock today."

"In the morning?"

"Why would they come at night?" She asked, irritated.

"Just making sure, if this is too much for you, which by your face it is, do you want me to do the tour? I still remember mine from Alaric and my class is over at ten. SO it is perfect timing." I asked her, sounding like I was being rude but she knew I just talked like that.

Her face lit up. I could tell I just offered to take a weight off her shoulder by the sunshine that started to come from her. Her hair started to glow like the sun itself.

"Are you serious? You would do that?"

"Of course I would. You look stressed and I don't have another class today. I was probably just going to bug one of you head leaders in this place." I responded walking backwards towards the classroom, knowing I would be late if I stopped any longer.

"Oh my god, I love you. Like really, I might have to take you from Stefan. Thank you, thank you, thank you." She told me as she was walking with me to the classroom.

"I'm totally down with that, a lesbian couple cause we could be freaky like that." I winked at her, messing around. She giggled at my response.

We stopped outside the classroom, the students chatting inside waiting for me. I could hear the twins talking to one another.

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