Chapter 13

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It annoyed me so much how Alaric used his parent's voice on me.

I mean, I'm practically an adult.

I made my way with both girls to the kitchen.

As we walked in I saw all the plates and glasses everywhere on the floor.

I was very stunned because I have never seen anything this drastic before.

I turned to look at the twins, to which I found Josie looking a Lizzie sentimentality and Lizzie looking very apologetic and embarrassed.

That's when I understood why Alaric told me to go help in the kitchen.

Lizzie had episodes sometimes that were bad when she was a siphoner but now with her heretic side she just drew power from herself at any given moment. Causing a bit of destruction somewhere.

I gave Lizzie a sympathetic smile and turned back around towards the accident.

Josie walked over to grab the broom while Lizzie stood away from the both of us, not making eye contact with anybody.

"It's ok Lizzie, I know it wasn't on purpose. Nobody is judging you." I spoke softly to her.

She looked at me with some tears in her eyes and I immediately went in to give her a hug. She reciprocated it quickly and I looked over to Josie, motioning her over to us.

She made her way over to us and joined the hug. Lizzie having a death grip on both of us.

I kissed both their heads, whispering "Go and relax for a little while. I'll finish cleaning up."

They both looked up at me, questioningly.

"No, dad told us to clean the kitchen together." They both said at the same time.

"Freaky, please don't do that again. Anyway, I'll handle this and Ric. Plus, as your teacher, you need to go do my homework I assigned. Go." I told them, teasing the last part, knowing damn well they didn't see me as a teacher but as family.

They both laughed at my previous statement and nodded their heads, agreeing to my terms. As everybody should.

As they were leaving Lizzie turned around and gave me one more hug. This hug felt different though, it felt very emotional and I could tell what she was trying to say.

"Thank you. For always being there. For being another sister for me." She whispered, her voice raw with emotion.

I squeezed even harder, whispering, "You don't have to thank me Liz, I'll be there for you cause you're there for me too. We're family, it's what we do, Sis."

She backed up, giving me one last look. I gave her a kiss on her forehead and nodded my head towards Josie and they both left. Presumably to their shared room, most likely locking themselves away from everybody.

I turned back to the chaos in the kitchen and sighed.

This was a lot.

But then I remembered that I had magic.

"I'm gonna Mary Poppins this shit." I muttered to myself.

I focused on the scattered accident on the floor and took a deep breath, chanting a small clean up spell.

"Emundare fragmentis disiungitur eis"

And within a couple seconds everything was gone except a pile of ashes.

I looked at the broom and dustpan and said one more spell to make them move on their own, doing all the work for me.

As soon as the broom and dustpan went back to rest in their original positions MG walked into the kitchen.

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