Chapter 2

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When i woke up this morning i was still in the field "wait were- oh yeah" the memories from yesterday's events came hitting me like a bus. Now that i was alone there was nothing to distract me from these thoughts 'was it my fault' why was i even worrying about this its in the past now i dont know whats wrong with me. I hardly even knew the guy. But i guess it's because i failed to save him one life was costed saving millions, i could feel my eyes water a bit but before it could fall i wiped it away and stood up 'maybe i should head back, the others might be getting worried.' I ran back to kris's home in a matter of seconds.

When i got there tails was working on the tornado "hey buddy" i shouted out to tails from afar "sonic!" The little kit shouted back and started to fly towards sonic "what did i miss?" "Alot really actually your lucky you missed it yesterday amy accidentally drank one of the adult beverages and started swinging her hammer around looking for you" tails said hardly containing his laughter from sonic "but luckily it was before knuckle's was about to leave so we had him take her back home" the kitsume said giggling "wow i kinda wish i stay for that part i bet knuckles was struggling trying to contain amy" i said joking with tails "sonic~" a female voice said from far away but loud enough for both tails and i to hear.

"Uh oh- i just remembered something chris said he wanted me to do something" the kit said nervously smiling "uh- later" he said running into the house "wait tails"- amy hugged me almost squeezing the life out of me "amy i- cant breathe!" " oh sonic where were you yesterday i was looking everywhere for you!" "So I've heard" i said with a smile trying not to cringe from the pain of amy squeezing me tighter. Then a thought came to mind "oh hey amy chris said he also needed you to do something for him" i said trying to sound serious enough for her to believe me "really what does he need?" "Uh not sure he just said that he help" amy looked at me not fully believing my words but still let go and turned around skipping back into the house.

One she was no longer able to be seen i went for a run trying to take this as a chance to get away from amy. I didnt have an exact destination so i was just running around trying to ease my thoughts when i was done with my run i was on the way back home when i saw eggman he was saying stuff like how he didnt want to be a villain anymore i guess I understand though we've been going on with this hero and villain thing for years i guess it's understandable but i cant help but feel like something is off and i was right he even ended up making me look like the villain and him the bad guy but i didnt care much he was caught and eventually went to jail but broke out a few days later then the cycle goes on he does something evil i stop him the loop really tires me out but i have to stick to my role.

I was sleeping on the roof of chris's home i was starting to get bored to the point where i couldn't sleep anymore "maybe i should go for a run" i silently say to myself so im the only person that hears it. I get up and stretch before i jump off the building landing perfectly on the ground i was just wandering after a while i stopped running and walked through a forest the trees were as tall as eye could see it was very pretty and relaxing but my thoughts kept trailing back to what happened on just a week ago its not easy to just forget i even wanted to race him again i never really beat him in a race yet but i need to stop thinking about it! I started running again but faster but then tried stopping after I accidentally did a sonic boom i was going too fast it was dangerous to be running like this in a forest there was many obstacles in the way there was many roots sticking out of the ground and rocks in the ways of paths as i was trying to slow down i could have sworn i saw something in the corner of my eye i turned to my head to see what it was but before i could get a good look at what it was i tripped over a tree root but i didnt just trip i didnt stop until i hit the ground a couple more times until my body slowed down at this point.

My body laid there limp in the middle of a small clearing in the forest my body hurt alot but i still tried to get up i was covered in dirt my quills were got messed up and i had some bruises but they didnt look too bad as i stood on left leg i could hear my bone crack and i fell back to the ground and i loudly hissed in pain at this point i was actually scared i was miles away from the city and my leg could possibly be broken and eggman can find me anytime i dont have anything to use to communicate with the others i should have taken the phone when kris and amy offered but i cant think about it now right now i have to figure out how to get out of this forest.

Second chapter hooray its longer this time and the story is now finally starting 😄👌

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