Chapter 8

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When sonic woke up he wasn't in the living room he didnt know where he was until he remembered what happened yesterday he fell asleep while shadow was brushing his quills he then tried to sit up but something was holding him down he was still half asleep so he wasnt really thinking straight but when he saw it was shadow that was holding him down he realized that he was sleeping in shadows arms

He wasn't complaining though he was really warm and his chest fur was very soft it was comforting sonic looked over shadows shoulder to see an alarm clock '12:03' is what the clock said even though it was late sonic didnt really want to get up so he got comfortable again and started to nuzzle shadows chest fur, shadow smelled really nice he smelled like..lavender?

All of sonics movements eventually made shadow make up he looked down to see the blue hedgehog playing with his chest fur, for shadow it was kind of relaxing shadow smiled a bit and started to purr as sonic continued his actions repeatedly

"Faker if you continue this we wont be able to go the store" shadow said laughing a bit "shadow your awake!" Sonic said surprised and a little embarrassed "yeah i am,do you still want to go to the store?" Shadow asked "yeah i do" sonic said sitting up and stretching out a bit also sat up and got off the bed to get his and sonic gloves also with sonics singular sock he had put them to wash and placed it on his desk, he grabbed the items and gave sonic his which he happily accepted while shadow started to put his gloves on "do you want me to make you breakfast?" Shadow asked "yes please!" "Ok then" shadow said picking up sonic and bringing him downstairs.

Shadow placed sonic on the couch and went to the kitchen to make breakfast while sonic was waiting he turned on the tv to a random channel but he wasn't really paying much attention to what was playing, he was thinking about shadow and how nice he's been to him then suddenly he remembered something, he remembered how shadow had pinned him down to the couch and almost kissed him his heart started to beat faster because of the thought of it and how last night he slept in his arms he heart couldn't slow down and his face became extremely red

'Did i like shadow but that isnt possible you cant like someone in such a short amount of time its only been a few days since i came here..but he was the only thing i could think about when he was gone wait did i like him before all if this do i love him. I think i do but why would he like me im a guy and its my fault he fell what if he hates me

But he he almost kissed me but, but what if he was going to do it because he wanted to not because he likes me where are all of these thoughts coming from why do think so negatively all the time why cant i just be normal there i go again come on shadow is almost done making breakfast just calm down'

Sonic thought rubbing his eyes he's had a mental breakdown before he wouldn't want shadow to see him like that "faker you ok?" Shadow said placing sonic food on the table with a cup of orange juice sonic hadn't realized shadow was standing next to him "oh yeah im fine" sonic said putting on the happiest smile he could muster but it wasn't very genuine, shadow just looked at him he didn't believe him at all he had learned to read faces when he was on the ark he could tell sonic wasn't ok the few days he's been here some of the smiles he gave him was kind of sad but never put much thought to it but now he couldn't ignore it he's fallen for sonic he knows that he's positive he has, so his happiness is all he wants.

"Sonic whats wrong and give me a real answer" Shadow said pinning sonic to the couch like he did days before "b-but im fine"- "no your not just tell me whats wrong" shadow said interrupting sonic, but sonic didn't say anything he opened his mouth but nothing came out he was scared no one has seen through him before "i-it" sonic said but had a hard time continuing " fault" sonic said tears forming in his eyes "whats your fault" shadow said gently not to scare sonic, sonic just took a deep breath and tried to calm himself down "when you fell from the ark, i cant help but think i-it..was my fault" sonic said tears now starting to fall, shadow wanted to tell him that it was a silly thought but it really seemed to bother sonic

"Sonic its not your fault i was the one that let go of your hand when you tried to save me" shadow said putting his hand on sonics cheek rubbing away his tears with his thumb sonic hadn't said everything but he was already feeling better "thank you, i know i sound silly but this really means a lot to me" sonic said hugging shadow burying his face in shadows chest fur. Shadow didnt say anything else he just rubbed sonics quills until he stopped crying "are you feeling better?" Shadow said calmly sonic just nodded "we can go to the store tomorrow if you like" shadow said continuing to rub sonics head "thanks shads" sonic said his voice was quiet and muffled by the fur but shadow could still tell what sonic was saying

"Do you want to go with me for a walk?" Shadow asked "yes please" sonic said.

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