ORIGINAL WORKS: Long and Short, Short Story Collections

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To begin with, here's a comprehensive list of all ORIGINAL titles, organized by type: Long and Short Original Works, and Short Story Collections. *Note: If you are curious about a title and you don't see it here, it's probably a fanfiction, so a complete list will be in another section of this guide)

Long Original Works (8+ Parts):


The Water-Man

Protective Custody

The Suggestion Box 2: The Legend of The Ecrivaine

Serenity's Light

The Day of Reckoning (Somewhat... it's kind of an RPG fic based on a game played by some friends of mine)

The Amazon Triangle

A Writer's Tale: #1--The Dragon's Quest; #2--The Commander's Courage; #3--The Sheriff's Showdown

The Dragon's Mark

Clay Heroes

Red, The Wolf

The Clan of Outcasts (Season 1 and 2)

Priscilla Sum

The Clan of Outcasts (Season 3)--Incomplete, Ongoing

The Suggestion Box, Vol. 1 (Also listed below, because the first part of it is a longer, continuous story, and afterwards, there is a series of shorter stories--The Suggestion Box Volumes will also have its own section for a more thorough description!)

Short Original Fiction (7 or Less Parts):


The Misfortune Cookie

The Glow

The Prince and The Rose

Short Story Collections:

The Suggestion Box Vol. 1* (Listed twice in this section because the first part is a longer work based on multiple lists, and that is followed by the individual lists themselves)

The Suggestion Box, Vol. 3: One Thousand Words

The Suggestion Box, Vol. 4: A to Z Challenge

Flashes of Inspiration

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