Chapter 15

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I was thinking that either Ansel Elgort, Tom Holland, Karl Kugelmann or Oussama Guessoum might work for my interpretation of what Brandon might look like. Let me know which you'd prefer! Obviously, you can imagine who'd ever you'd like; I just thought I'd make some suggestions. 

Also! Thank you for reading this fic! I never thought so many people would read this! Yet, here we are at 42.6 K reads and 1.2 K votes. 

It means a lot to me that so many are enjoying this! 

: ) 


Previously: "We need some advice. It's about our soulmate." 


The two boys made their way into Stella and Brandon's suite, their minds still occupied by the thought of their soulmate and what she must be going through. Finally, they sat down, and after a brief moment, Stella decided that she'd had enough of this silence. "What about your soulmate? I thought you guys haven't found them yet?" 

"We did. She's a first-year," said Riven. 

"What do you mean by she? Is she just your soulmate Riven, or yours and Sky's -- which is quite unheard of, mind you..." Chimed in Brandon. 

"Yea... We probably should've started with that, Riven and I found our soulmate, emphasising ours. We know it's unheard of, but we suspected that we shared a soulmate when she showed up, and both of our forearms started to burn simultaneously with her name."  

Congratulations slipped from both Stella and Brandon's mouths. "So what's the problem then? Or rather, first of all, who is your soulmate?" inquires Stella. 

Sky and Riven start to smile at the thought of Sage, but thinking further about the pain and suffering she is going through makes their smile slowly fade into a frown. 

Brandon noticing the frown on his friend's face, asked, "what's wrong? What happened? Is she okay? Come on, guys, you have to give us something here. We can't help otherwise!" 

Riven and Sky proceeded to tell their story, finishing off where one ended, "well, you see," started Riven. 

"First of all, we should mention that our soulmate's name is Sage; you should know her, Stella; I believe you mentioned showing her and her sister around." 

"At first, we didn't mention anything to see what she might have thought about soulmates, but then we realised that Sage would inevitably find out, given that our names are written on her arm." 

"So, when we talked to Sage about us being soulmates, she freaked and ran past the protective barrier line." 

"Obviously, we ran after her," added Riven after the look of warning Stella gave them. 

"When we found her, she was hysterical, but that might've been due to the fact that we found her next to a dead body." 

"What!" Screeched Stella, "what do you mean by dead body? What happened? Who was it? Was it a student? A professor? Caretaker?"  

"We don't know," started Sky, "we saw the body; it looked like an old man, but they were badly burned." 

"We didn't really think to conduct an investigation Stella," snapped Riven, "we were rather preoccupied with getting our soulmate out of there and to safety." 

"Oi! Watch the tone there, Riv," warned Brandon, who has always been highly protective of Stella, like Riven and Sky were becoming towards Sage. 

Sky and Riven both shared a look and, at that moment, decided not to mention what Sage had told them about the man on the beach. 

"Anyway," continued Sky, "we brought her back to our room to let her rest a bit, given how shook up she was. We told her that we were going to go see Silva and left our numbers for her in case she needed to reach us." 

"Dead man aside," started Riven, "we don't really know how Sage is feeling about the whole soulmate thing, other than freaking. So we don't really know how to approach the topic, which is why we are here. We need your help on this. At some point, it's going to be even harder than it is now to stay further away from her." 

"Well, for starters, you should go easy on her. She didn't even know about the existence of soulmates until Dowling told her and Bloom. I don't think her world even has soulmates to the level that we have." Started Stella. 

"Yea, maybe you guys should take it easy on her for a little while -- try and ease her into it. If she's new to this whole concept, it might be hard for her to process," added Brandon. "Give her a bit of space if she needs it." 

"Not to mention, when I brought her down to the training grounds, she asked me about my views on soulmates. I told her about Brandon and how soulmates usually complement each other, that there shouldn't be anything to worry about," added Stella hesitantly. "In replying, Sage mentioned that she was happy for Brandon and me but that she didn't think a soulmate would be a good thing for her, or rather that she wouldn't be a good soulmate -- but I'm not sure what she meant by that. She also said something about not wanting someone to have a 'claim' on her and how she's 'too fucked up for anyone' -- which I think is just ridiculous! She's such a sweet girl from what I've gathered." 

"Should we tell one of the headmasters about Sage being our soulmate?" inquired Sky.

"Maybe not right this minute. Talk with Sage later when she wakes up and see what she wants to do," advises Brandon. 

"Thanks for the help, guys, but we should start heading over to Silva, see what's going on with the body and all -- see what he'll tell us." 

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