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Jenna woke up the next morning to the sound of her alarm going off across her room. She stumbled out of bed and headed over to her dresser to turn it off. She didn't sleep much; She never did before an important day. And truth be told, her nerves never let her sleep the night before a mission either.

Jenna walked out into the hallway and over to her bathroom. After brushing her teeth and washing her face, she looked at herself  in the mirror. Pulling her necklace out from underneath her sweatshirt, she admired the tiny silver airplane charm on the chain. It has originally belonged to her mom when she served in the Navy, but it had been passed on to Jenna after her mother passed.

"Wish me luck, Mom" Jenna whispered.

Shaking her head to clear her thoughts, Jenna tucked the necklace safely back into her sweatshirt, and headed back into her bedroom to change into her uniform. She pulled her hair back into a military-style bun at the base of her head.

Jenna grabbed her bag on the way out the door and got into her car. It was a short drive from the apartment on base to the airfield. She drove with the windows down, letting the early morning breeze fill up the car.

Pulling into a parking space in front of the main building, Jenna checked her phone and saw that she still had a bit of time before the 08:00 meeting. She turned the speakers on and connected her phone, shuffling her playlist. Jenna sat there for a while, humming along to the songs.

A short while later, she noticed that blue Ford Bronco had pulled into the space to her right. Jenna thought it was funny, considering she had the same exact car but in forest green. She turned her head and squinted at the driver, trying to make out his face through the glass. He turned his head to look at her, and Jenna realized it was Hawaiian shirt guy from the Hard Deck last night. He smiled and waved as he started to get out of the car, and Jenna followed suit.

"Hey," he said.

"Nice car," Jenna responded as she gestured to both of the vehicles. "We both have fantastic taste."

"That we do," he said, laughing. "It was my dad's car. Are you here for the mission meeting?" He asked, changing the subject.

"Yeah, I am," she replied.

"I thought there was someone missing from the bar last night," he said. "Everybody was trying to figure out who the last person called up was, but no one knew."

"Yep, it's me," Jenna laughed. "I think I saw all of you at the Hard Deck but I was on my way out and I figured I would just meet all of you today," she explained.

"Ohhhhh, so you're the girl that walked out right before my little performance." He looked at her and smiled. "Most people tend to stay for those."

Jenna laughed and started walking towards the entrance of the building. The man walked with her, and Jenna took the time to look him over. He was tall, taller than she was by at least a half of a foot, with sandy colored hair and a nice mustache. His broad shoulders bumped hers a few times as they walked towards the door, and Jenna couldn't help but notice his muscles underneath his uniform. Just her luck, he was exactly her type. He grabbed the door for them and Jenna shook the thoughts away. She had to focus on the mysterious mission in front of her. She had no time to get distracted.  As they walked down the hallway towards the locker rooms, he started talking again.

"My name is Bradley Bradshaw, callsign Rooster".

Jenna turned to look at him and tried to stifle a giggle. "Rooster?" she asked. "I have got to hear the story behind that one."

"Maybe I'll tell ya sometime," Rooster said with a wink. Jenna blushed a little and looedk away, then turned and stuck her hand out to him.

"Jenna Harrison, callsign Killshot." she said and they shook hands. 

When they made it to the locker rooms, Jenna walked towards the women's door. She turned back around as Rooster walked through his door, but before the door could shut all the way, she called out to him.

"Nice to meet you, Rooster!"

The door pulled back open and Rooster stuck his head out, a playful smile on his face. "The pleasure's all mine, Killshot."

AN: Let me know what y'all think!!! Thanks for reading <3

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