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While waiting for their substitute instructor, the pilots chatted amongst themselves about the mission looming ahead. Jenna just stared out the window,. She watched as dark gray clouds rolled in the skies above the tarmac, mimicking the slow-growing feeling in her stomach in anticipation for the mission's team selection. She was lost in thought until she spotted movement from the corner of her eye that drew her into the conversation taking place next to her.

"Maverick is the only one that has actually been able to successfully fly the mission route," Phoenix began, turning around to face the two pilots behind her. Jenna pulled the last bit of her gaze from the window as Phoenix spoke.

"A few of us have come close," Jenna offered weakly. "But I don't know how they're going to choose six of us for this mission when no one has really positively stood out yet."

"I know. Three of us nearly died," Bob chimed in, gesturing to himself and the two women beside him.

"That really makes me feel good about my chances," Jenna said grimly. Jenna knew that after going into G-LOC during training, there was a chance it could happen again during the climb out of the valley.

"Hey," Rooster said softly. "It could have happened to any of us. Try to stay positive."

"They could always make Maverick mission leader," Bob proposed. "Technically, he has flight status since he's still a captain."

"No way in hell does the big boss let Maverick fly this mission," Hangman interrupted  from across the aisle. At the sound of his best friend's statement, Coyote's eyes went wide and he shook his head at Payback and Fanboy. The three of them redirected their attention to the conversation next to them.

Jenna straightened up in her seat, challenging Hangman's sharp gaze with a blazing stare of her own.

"Who would they make mission leader instead? You?" she asked with a scoff.

"I'd be okay with that decision," Hangman replied smugly, crossing his arms over his chest. He shot a wink at Phoenix but she just rolled her eyes at him. 

"I'm sure you would. But the rest of us, not so much," Jenna spat out. "You are just about the farthest thing from a team player that I have ever seen."

"I'd be careful if I were you. Daddy's not here to break up a fight this time," Hangman taunted. Rooster stiffened beside Jenna, angling his body slightly between the two pilots facing off. Silence filled the room as Jenna narrowed her eyes at Hangman and ignored his warning.

"You walk around here like you own the place, which, sorry to inform you, you do not," Jenna responded, her voice deadly quiet. "You're selfish, arrogant, and frankly, just an asshole. Oh, and I've had it up to here with the way you speak to Phoenix and I. All of us are the best of the best. What's between your legs doesn't make you any better than the rest of us."

As if Mother Nature was emphasizing her point, a thunderous boom filled the air, announcing the arrival of the rainstorm that had been brewing outside. 

"Damn," Coyote whispered. Hangman glared at Jenna, but kept his mouth shut. She shot an apologetic glance at Phoenix, who was grinning from ear to ear, then turned back to the window to watch the rain soak the pavement, effectively ending the argument.

Hondo walked into the briefing room moments later and cleared his throat. 

"The radar has a big storm coming our way. All planes are grounded until further notice. I've been instructed to inform you that you're all to spend the rest of the day reviewing the mission terrain and flying in simulators."

"Yes, sir," the group responded. Jenna gathered up her belongings and walked with Rooster, Phoenix and Bob to the simulator room a few doors down the hall. She settled into her seat in the mock cockpit and turned on the screen.

"Now I know why they call you 'Killshot'. You just ended that man's whole career," Fanboy said as he walked past her, laughing. Jenna laughed to herself as she refocused on the simulator. She felt a teeny, tiny bit bad that she was picking a fight with Hangman so close to the mission but she wasn't able to help herself. And he kind of deserved it.

The pilots spent the next hours practicing the flight path as the storm raged outside. When they were finally dismissed, Jenna exited the simulator feeling like she could fly the route in her sleep. When she walked out of the room, she saw Phoenix and Hangman at the end of the hall. Their voices drifted down to her and it sounded like they were in the middle of an argument, so Jenna steered clear. She walked towards the other end of the hallway and almost bumped into Rooster coming around the corner.

"Oh! Hey Kill," Rooster said smiling down at her.

"Oh my God you scared me. Hi," Jenna replied, a little breathless from both the surprise and his smile. "I don't know what you're doing tonight, but did you want to come over? Phoenix and Bob are coming too."

"Yeah, I'm down," Rooster said as Jenna fell into step with him. They walked in a comfortable silence together. Jenna noted that the rain had slowed down barely a drizzle as they approached the door.

"Hey, I know we never really got to finish our conversation from the other day, but I just wanted to say that I am sorry," Rooster said. "I shouldn't have gotten upset about you and Fritz. The mission and being in such close proximity to Maverick have both really put me on edge. And truthfully, I was a little jealous."

"Oh?" Jenna teased, looking up at him.

"Well, a little bit of Fritz, but mainly because of you and Maverick," Rooster explained.

"Oh," Jenna said quietly as they approached their Broncos. Rooster leaned against his car, staring at his shoes, and then continued speaking.

"You know what happened with my dad," Rooster shoved his hands in his pockets. "For a while after it happened, Maverick was sort of a father figure for me. He tried to be there for me and my mom, but he was moving around so much that eventually he kinda faded away. I was jealous of you because suddenly you had a dad. That for you, Maverick was ready to put forth the effort that he didn't back then. I'm so happy for you, but I will never see my dad again and it just opened up a dormant wound."

"Bradley, I had no idea you felt like that," Jenna replied as she felt her heart crack a bit for the man standing in front of her. The rain began to slowly pick up again, but neither of the pilots moved for cover.

"How could you? It's my fault. I shut myself down every time you tried to talk to me in the days that followed," Rooster scoffed at himself. He drew his head up and looked Jenna right in the eyes. "But none of that excuses the way I treated you. You needed a friend and I was as big an asshole as Hangman is. And for that, and everything else, I am so sorry." He hung his head again.

Jenna didn't know what to say. So instead, she took a few steps to close the distance between them and wrapped her arms around his neck.

"I forgive you," Jenna said softly, her lips ghosting over his ear. Rooster wrapped his arms tightly around Jenna's waist and the two embraced as the rain came down and wiped their slate clean.


AN: Hi! Thank you for reading! Leave a vote/comment to let me know what you think!

Also, thank you so much for your patience regarding this update. I had a health issue that caused a delay, so my apologies to all of you!! I appreciate you!!

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