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The bell above the front door of the Hard Deck jingled as Jenna and Hangman made their way inside the bar. Jenna spotted Phoenix through the crowd of people surrounding the bar and made her way to her friend, Hangman at her heels. 

"Hey Nat!" Jenna almost yelled, trying to get Phoenix's attention over the noise. Phoenix turned around, a smile lighting up her face as she looked at both of the pilots.

"Jenna! You made it!" Phoenix replied, reaching over to hug her. Jenna leaned her back against the bartop on Phoenix's left while Hangman did the same on her right. The three chatted for a little while until they were interrupted by Penny.

"What'll it be?" Penny asked as the group turned towards the bartender.

"Just water for all of us, I think," Jenna said, looking to the pilots on beside her for confirmation. They both nodded their heads in agreement.

"So tomorrow's the big day, huh?" Penny inquired as she handed Jenna her water.

"Yep," Jenna replied, taking a big sip, attempting to settle the nervous feeling that fluttered in her stomach at the question. 

"It's gonna be just fine," a voice said next to Jenna. She turned and saw Maverick standing next to her in his dress-whites. 

"Hey kid," he said, before shouting a greeting to Phoenix and Hangman on Jenna's other side.

"Hey Mav," the three of them said together. Jenna chatted a little bit with Maverick, trying to give Phoenix and Hangman some privacy.

"Penny, I gotta talk to you for a sec," Maverick said, gesturing his head away from the bar.

"Sure, just give me one second," Penny replied, turning to put down the rag she was wiping down the bar with. "You three," she said, getting the young pilots' attention. "I didn't haul that karaoke machine in here for nothing. Get on it."

"Yes ma'am," Hangman replied and then made a beeline for the jukebox. Jenna and Phoenix laughed as they watched him push through the crowd, eager to get the night started. 

Jenna turned her attention back to her dad and Penny, who had moved further down the bar to have a more private conversation. Penny was leaning over the bar to hear better, and as Maverick said something to her, Jenna watched the smile drop off of Penny's face, replaced by a concerned look. Maverick had a grim smile on his face as Penny came around the end of the bar and took his hand, following him out the back door. 

"Hey, where's Mav going?" Jenna heard a male voice ask. She looked over her shoulder as Rooster appeared behind her.

"I think he's telling Penny," Jenna said, reaching for her glass. 

"Oof," Rooster replied. "That's never a fun conversation."

"No, it's not," Jenna agreed with him.

The speakers groaned over the noise in the bar as Hangman connected them to the jukebox across the bar. 

"Let's go see what he's up to," Rooster said, offering his hand to Jenna. She grabbed it and pulled Phoenix along with her as the three of them made their way towards the group of people starting to surround Hangman. When they got there, Jenna noticed that all of the pilots from their mission were standing around talking and laughing.

"Hey guys," Jenna greeted them with a smile. Coyote nodded back to her and Payback and Fanboy came over to strike up a conversation. But before they could get started, the microphone screeched over the speakers. 

"Testing, testing," Hangman said low into the mic. Satisfied with the sound, he began explain to the gathered crowd the rules for the night.

"How does he know all of this already?" Jenna whispered to Coyote.

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