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Jenna stood at attention on the aircraft carrier, waiting for Cyclone to begin talking to the group of pilots. Although still early morning, the humidity of the day gathered around them. Sweat beaded on Jenna's forehead and threatened to spill into her eyes, but she resisted wiping it away.

Cyclone began his official pre-mission briefing, repeating details of the mission that by now, Jenna and the other pilots had heard what felt like a thousand times. She used the moment to look around the space where they had gathered, taking in the pilots around her. 

Maverick stood at the front of the group with Rooster. The two stared ahead at Cyclone, heads held high. Phoenix and Bob stood behind Maverick to his left, while Fanboy and Payback stood on Rooster's right. Next to her, Hangman fidgeted slightly, and Jenna turned to give him a quick smile before putting her attention back on Cyclone. As the admiral was finishing up, Rooster glanced quickly back in Jenna's direction and they held each other's gaze, a moment of understanding passing between them. 

"This is the moment you've been training for," Cyclone said, and Rooster pulled his attention away from Jenna to his commanding officer. "Get home safely."

The pilots were dismissed and instructed to head to their planes on the deck of the aircraft. As the group left, Jenna noted that her father lagged behind and watched them go. She lifted her hand up to wave to him, knowing she'd she him on deck before departure. Maverick shot her a small smile and turned to discuss something with Cyclone. 

On deck, Jenna and Hangman split off together to prepare their aircrafts, making final checks that everything was secure and in place if support was needed. She saw Maverick arrive on deck, and started to make her way over to him to wish him luck. Maverick hadn't spotted her yet, so he made his way over to Rooster. She could just barely hear their conversation over the roar of the noise as she approached them, but Jenna heard them attempting to make peace with one another before they set out on a life or death mission together. Her stomach roiled as she took in the scene before her, cognizant of the fact that either or both of the two men in front of her may not make it back to this carrier. 

Jenna approached her father first, and Maverick turned to her and embraced her in a hug.

"Good luck, come home safely," Jenna said as she pulled away from him. 

"Thank you," Maverick said, an unreadable expression on his face.

"I don't like that look," Jenna said, raising an eyebrow at him.

"Well," Maverick said with a sigh. "It's the only one I got."

Jenna laughed at his words and pulled him back quickly for one last hug. "You got this, Dad."

Maverick pulled back, a look of surprise now displayed across his features. Jenna realized that was the first time she'd called him that. 

"I'll see you back on deck, kid." Maverick said with a smile, and turned towards his F-18. With one quick glance back at Rooster and Jenna, he made his way over to Hondo.

Jenna looked over at Rooster, who was standing there quietly.

"Hey," Jenna started. "It's gonna be fine. I'll see you later today, right?"

"Yes ma'am," Rooster replied. Jenna hesitated for a moment, and then pulled him into a tight hug. The two pilots stood with their arms wrapped around each other until the voice over the speaker announced it was time to ready the aircrafts for takeoff. 

"Bradley," Jenna said softly as they pulled away from each other. "Come back to me."

Rooster nodded his head quickly, and spun towards his aircraft. He took a few steps away from Jenna and then stopped. Jenna looked at his retreating form, confused. Rooster turned back around and covered the ground between him and Jenna in seconds, grabbing her face in his hands. She could barely blink before his mouth was on hers, gently moving against her lips. He pulled away a second later, and rested his forehead against hers.

"I promise I'll be back for you," he said softly, eyes closed. The speaker squealed as the voice came over the radio again, and Rooster reluctantly let go of Jenna and ran towards his plane. Jenna turned back to her aircraft and saw Hangman waiting for her between their two F-18s.

"My my my," Hangman smirked. "That was quite a kiss there, Kill."

"Oh save it for later, Bagman," Jenna said as she smiled. 

"You ready for this, Strike? Hangman asked, referring to her plane's callsign for the mission.

"You know it, Spare," Jenna responded, fist bumping the other pilot. The two parted ways and Jenna climbed into her aircraft and put on her helmet, turning on the radio. It took a few minutes, but before she knew it, her fellow pilots' voices started coming over the radio.

"Dagger 3, up and ready," She heard Phoenix's say.

"Dagger 4, up and ready." That was Payback and Fanboy.

"Dagger 2, up and ready," Rooster said, and Jenna's heart lurched.

"Dagger Spare, up and ready," Hangman echoed.

"Dagger Strike, up and ready," Jenna announced, breathing out steadily to calm her nerves.

"Dagger 1, up and ready on catapult 1," Maverick completed the check.

Cyclone's voice came over the coms. "Daggers, you are cleared for takeoff."

Jenna watched as Maverick roared his engines and took off into the sky. She tuned her radio to a different channel so her voice wouldn't interrupt the mission channel. 

"Dagger 1 away."

Dagger 2 away."

"Dagger 3 away."

Dagger 4 away."

Jenna settled back into her seat as the last F-18 left the aircraft carrier, heart pounding as she watched her friends and family fly away from her.


AN: Hi Guys! Thank you so much for reading! Again, apologies about missing last week!! Let me know what you guys think!!

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