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Jenna's ears were ringing as she stared blanky at the radio in front of her. Slowly, Phoenix's words started making sense in her ears, as she heard them being repeated over and over.

"Dagger One is hit!", Phoenix cried. "I repeat, Dagger One is hit!"

"Anyone see a parachute?" A voice asked. Jenna did bother to identify who it belonged to. A chorus of no's were volleyed back in response as she stared and stared and stared, willing her father's voice to come over the radio, telling everyone, telling her, that he was alright.

"We have to go back!" Rooster pleaded with the pilots. Jenna could hear the desperation in his voice.

"We can't, Rooster," Phoenix said, pain lacing her words. "He's gone."

Jenna's stomach was lead in her body as she closed her eyes, trying to prevent the gathering tears from spilling over her lash line.

As Phoenix radioed to command that they were heading back and a safe distance from the missiles, Rooster's voice cut back over the radio.

"Fuck this," he said. "I'm going after Mav."

Jenna started laughing bitterly in her cockpit, the tears finally spilling over. This could not be her life right now. Should not be her life right now. And yet it was.

"Rooster, you are under orders to return to this carrier, NOW!" Command replied. Rooster gave no response.

"Dagger Two, come in." Command demanded. "Respond immediately." More silence. Jenna shook her head. He turned his radio off. He must have. He was going solo and no one could stop him.

Hangman caught her eye across from her, and he gave her a pained expression. There was nothing either of them could do. Rooster was their only chance to find and save Maverick.

Seconds faded into minutes and nothing came over the radio but check ins from the rest of the pilots as they were nearing the the carrier.

Suddenly, Jenna's radio crackled and her heart leapt into her throat. But it wasn't Rooster's voice.

"Dagger two has been hit." The voice said steadily. "I repeat, Dagger two has been hit."

Jenna stood and promptly emptied her stomach over the side of her cockpit.


"We have to go after them," Jenna insisted. After wiping her mouth, she had steadily climbed down from her cockpit and marched towards where her commanding officers were gathered. Hangman had followed right behind her, desperate not to be left out.

"We cannot and will not allow anyone off of this aircraft carrier," Cyclone responded, crossing his arms. Jenna stared at him so intently that if looks could kill, he'd have been the one shot out of the sky, not Mav and Rooster.

"They could still be out there," Hangman said, backing up Jenna. "We can't just sit around and do nothing. We have to launch a rescue mission, and we have to do it now."

"The longer we wait, the smaller the chance we have of finding them alive," Jenna added, desperation coating her words. Cyclone looked at Jenna, his features softening just the smallest amount, and when Jenna blinked, the look was gone.

"Now I understand that, Harrison, but we cannot risk the lives of our remaining pilots. This mission, for all intents and purposes, was a success," Cyclone replied, emphasizing the last word. His voice softened, "Look, I know that Maverick is, uh, was, your dad," he corrected himself and Jenna felt something crack inside of her. "And Rooster, well, he was special to you. But you, and any of your fellow pilots, are forbidden from leaving. And that's an order."

"Like hell it is," Jenna spat, turning her back to her commanding officer and heading out of the room. Hangman spun with her, following closely behind.

"Seresin!" Cyclone called after them. Jenna and Hangman both stopped short, but only Hangman turned to look at the man. "If she puts a single toe out of line, you tell me, understood?"

"Understood, sir," Hangman responded.

"Excellent," Cyclone said. "You keep an eye on her and there's a promotion in the near future, with your name on it."

Jenna stiffened where she stood. Although she and Hangman had started to become friends, the prospect of a promotion after not flying the mission might be too good for him to pass up on.

"Thank you, sir," Hangman replied. "I'll be sure to not let her out of my sight."


Hello!!!! I am FINALLY FINALLY back!!! I have been extremely busy but keep thinking about this story, especially since they announced the development of Top Gun 3!

Apologies that this is so short, but I hope you enjoy!!! I will be updating ASAP!

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