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speeding up, i drive closer to the body with colorful clothing lying on the ground

i hear my brother shout, his voice filled with worriment
"what are you going?! don't change the route!"

i bit my lower lip, leaning forward and speeding up
"we have to, there is someone there!!"

the girl shakes my arms

"what if that person is one of the bad guys?!"

i chuckled, fixing my back view mirror
"look at that colorful clothing, no way BL/ind would let anything other than black and white" 

the girl whimpered, looking back at me and kobra

"so are we going to that person?"

i chuckled
"you bet"

pushing the gas pedal below my feet, i fasten the car, out heads shooting back at the sudden movement
"WOO!!" ghoul yelled bringing his hands up "ADVENTURE!!"

i turned up the radio, but the channel only played
loud statics, hurting our ears and killing the mood

"that was a total mood killer.."

i nodded, sighing but kept looking ahead
and then thoughts kept filling in my head again

what if that person really is a BL/ind agent,

disguised in colorful clothing just for giving the locations of killjoys-


while making a sharp turn to the left, i felt my head swing from the velocity, hitting the window next to me

once i got my balance back, i looked at my brother


ghould pulled on my ear while yelling

hitting the breaks, i made the car slow down, all of us swinging forward

" everyone all right?"
"it's official we are never letting you drive again party.."

the kid looked over to all of us, but stopped at me

"your forehead.."

i brought my hand to the left side of my face, pushing the pointed spot

i bring my hand down, seeing blood on it
"it's nothing, just hit my head to the window"

opening the doors, i look back at kobra, which he was taking out his sunglasses

"don't open the door yet poison."

i looked at him confused but kept the car door open
"close the door."

i raised an eyebrow at his behavior but close it anyways
kobra turns around in his seat, his hazel eyes meeting three others in the backseat

"i know this hothead here-"

"hey, don't call me that!"

"wants to see whoever that is but he isn't the leader for any of us. vote."

i turned around looking at the three friends of mine
jet star looked up at kobra and back to ghoul while his hair was shaking

ghoul shrugged
"i don't mind as long as it's adventure."

smiling, i looked back at him
he also grinned, sending a blink my way

i leaned towards him, smacking his greasy black hair

"are we sure that person is really safe?"
i looked down, seeing missile covered with worriment on her face

"come on kid, we'll protect you!"

star shuffled her fluffy hair, which looked just like his
"let's go"

i opened the door once again, checking on kobra to make sure he didn't have anything to say 

he just shook his head, leaving the car

even though he was my own brother, he was very hard to understand sometimes

i pulled my yellow ray gun, cocking the locket
but only to be heard by nothing

"shit.. it's empty."

i walked to the back of the car, only greeted by ghoul with his frankenstein mask


i made a scared face, crouching down next to missile, making sobbing noises
"oh no, i'm so scared, i'm gonna cry my shit!!"

star leaned from the back of the car
"what did i say about cursing beside missile!!"

ghoul and i rolled my eyes and jokingly said at the same time

"sorry mom!"

i went to the back of the car, pulling out my blue mask
it was big as jet star and kobra kid's helmets but it was still a mask

as put it down, i walked towards my brother shaking my ray gun in front of him

"it's empty, can you give a hand?"

he looked up to me, pushing the vizor of his helmet open
"you owe me."

"i'm older than you."

kobra pulled the visor down, giving me the small metal box

i unloaded mine, throwing the empty box to the back of the car
"why are we going fully armed again?"

ghoul put his gun to it's holder while shrugging

"you never know where the dracs are gonna jump from"

AFTER THE PARTY - party poison x reader Where stories live. Discover now