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shuffling under the blanket, i wake up to the sounds of metal clanking together. slowly opening my eyes, i see ghoul clapping two metal pans together and yelling


i heard jet yell from his room, not opening his door


ghoul shrugged, going on with the metal pan clapping. then i heard it stopping for a second, footsteps approaching me
"good morning, sunshine."

i opened my eyes fully this time, seeing ghoul that was leaning to his side smiling softly at me

"you too.. where did that come from..?"

he shrugged, still smiling
"i mean, you are party's sunshine."

my eyes widened, quickly throwing the blanket off myself, feeling my face burn with a pink shade
"d-did he say that?!"

he shrugged, laughing then continued clapping the pans
"can't say anything about that!"

i sighed, seeing the other two weren't back. it wasn't like i was worried or anything, i just wanted to make sure they didn't get caught to BL/ind, and expose where i currently was. yea.. yeah that was why i wondered where they were.

i get off the couch, cracking my knuckles while walking. they were all stiff after a few hours of sleep. wearing my boots i saw noises coming from the rooms, causing me to look over.

i saw jet star come out of his room and take one of the pans in ghoul's hand, slamming it against his skull.

ghoul groaned but started laughing afterwards. it was a crazy scene when missile came out from her room: one of them yelling and of them laughing like crazy


after nibbling on some canned food and doing the usual morning talk and all, i walked to missile kid, holding her arm

"hey kid. we can do that radio thing today, yea?"

she smiled, picking up the radio from the table while i took my jacket
"let's do it! come on!"

missile held my hand, dragging me towards the back door. the sun in the morning wasn't too hot, but we'd eventually have to go inside when it was noon.

we sat down under the roof, making sure to stay under the roof to protect ourself from the burning sun. missile took out the radio, and started changing the channels. i sat beside her, trying to take a not on whatever could be a clue.

we did hear a male voice around sometime, but it turns out to be just a old static that sounded like a voice.


party poison's pov

i didn't know when i fell asleep, nor when i woke up, but i opened my eyes to a loud screeching sound from the tire below me.

i startled in my place, quickly sitting up, and looking at kobra
"w-what happened?!"

he looked at me then back to the road, keeping a straight face

"i took the box of chargers off your lap and tried to put it at the back seat. and i may have lost the balance on the car..?"

i made a small chuckle, still rubbing my eyes after suddenly waking up
"did you drive all night..?"

"yup.. we might have gotten a little lost with no one to guide me and trying to find it myself so the road is a little longer than usual.."

i shook my head, looking at his face

"it's my fault, not yours, i didn't mean to fall asleep, i could have also driven y'know."

he shook his head, putting a small, tired smile on his face and said jokingly
"i don't think i would have thrusted your driving abilities enough to sleep.."

i made a fake pout then let it go with a smile, then i remembered our fight. i felt as if the air inside the car became more intense. as if it was gonna blow up or something. so i jusg simply opened the window, letting the cold air hit my face

"hey kobra.. i'm sorry about.. well, the fight."

he nodded looking ahead
"that wasn't your fault. i was the first one who yelled. i should be the one to apologize, not you."

i just nodded, not saying anything for a while. after a few minutes, i turned to him, smiling

"are we good now?"

he also turned to me for a split second, also a smile on his face
"of course."

i punched the air, opening the radio, making sure this time i didn't open an static this time. i had a feeling that everything from now on would be so perfect.


as the desert sky started to darken, i looked at the map, and saw we were very close, being back to trans am.
looking at my brother, i showed him the map, knowing that he couldn't see anyways

"see, see?! we are so close, i'm so excited."

kobra chuckled, rubbing his eyes
"you're excited for everything, poison.."

i looked at him, seeing him tired made me sad, so i offered to drive

"hey kobra. don't deny it, i know you're tired.. i can drive from now on."

he shook his head, refusing
"come on! i can drive too!!"

he just simply said
"i'm alright. you said yourself that we are close to trans am yourself. let it be.."

i sighed opening the small compartment in front of my seat, pulling out a POP! drink, opening and giving it to him. it was common between killjoys, and we always kept one or two with us when we had the chance.

"drink up, little bro. you don't have to act so tough around me."

he looked at me with a soft face, immediately taking the bottle can and taking a sip
"thanks.. big bro."

he put the can down beside him to the drink holders, then that's when i heard it once again


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