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I looked at my reflection in the mirror as the only thing visible were the bruises that caked my face. My lip was busted and swollen, I had a black eye and a few purplish bruises on my neck and side of my body. I definitely got my ass handed to me on a silver platter.

The three day weekend ended sooner than I expected as I'm now in the apartment trying to hide from everyone. I didn't want to be questioned about what happened. I took a deep breath, wishing this was a dream. I would open my eyes and the bruises would be gone. I peeked one eye open to see the ugliness was still there.

"Fuck" I cursed looking underneath the sink. I cleaned it the best I could the day before but when I woke up this morning, everything swollen up. I pushed my pride to the side and walked out my room, making sure the coast was clear.

I planted a knock on his door as I waited patiently. I was not going to any classes looking like this. I planned on sending emails to my professors with a bullshit ass excuse as to why I can't show up.

"Bro it's early as sh— what happened to you" he asked opening his door wider.

"Do you have anything I can use to clean this up" I pointed towards my face.

"Uh yeah, come on" I walked behind him towards his bathroom.

"Who did this?" I ignored his question as I started cleaning up my face. He grabbed the ointment out my hand making me look at him.

"I'm not asking again, who did this shit to you" I looked away from him shameful.

"My sperm donor" I mumbled. He was just silent, I had nothing else to say.

"I thought he stopped doing that" his voice was a bit lower this time.

"I think he been hitting on sienna" I looked back up at him, taking the ointment out his hand.  I could see the look in his eyes, pure anger. I never had the best living situation growing up. My father did so many unexplainable things after what happened to my birth mother.

Myles has been there for me through everything. Whether is was letting me crash at his place, giving me plates to take home or even letting me vent. No matter the situation, he never judged me and for that I will be forever thankful.

"Let me know how I can help, ight? I got you man" he pulled me into a hug.

"Put something cold on that eye, don't use my good rags tho" I sucked my teeth as we started laughing.

* * * * *

A day or two has past and my contact with everyone has been kept to a minimal. My swollen eye had went down significantly. I did forget that I was supposed to be doing a recorded assignment with Kyrie today. She is a really observant person, it won't take long for her to see the bruises.

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