chapter 3 oh my gods

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Upon You going to retur with Irls you took in the beauty of of Egypt "wow this is beautiful despite being a desert you know Iris I've always wanted to travel the world. I figured that I would do that when I would be older you know." "I'm glad you are enjoying here."

"My child I'm enjoying being here with you my dearest, however if you don't mind me asking you few questions my child. Now then I know your name but you have any family members you have ?" "Oh I was only child from my parents and sadly they both passed when I was six years old so I hardly remember them as much."

"My deepest apology child fate can very cruel."

"No not fate its life can be cruel so many terrible things can happen out of nowhere. But like I said its fine I was able to grow up very well so I'm alright."

"May I ask you a question you said you were married what's your husband like ?" ,

"Osiris God of creation my husband is fair kind Osiris is a good king and commanded the respect of all who lived on the earth.Osiris is one of the most important gods in all of Egypt. Osiris played a double role: he is also a god of fertility. All the gods of egypt respect him and loved him for all of work he does for humans that is way I love him the most thing he does."

"Sounds like you are very lucky woman to have a such wonderful husband" "Oh child I prey you would find such a lovely husband such as him."

(thinking in your mind)* Oh Isls you are very loving and devoted wife but the most question I want to ask you is why did you not help set why did you not save him I would understand you couldn't stop loving Osiris s because he's your husband but Seth is your brother I don't hate you after all you saved me you couldn't not but you did anyways and for that I am eternally grateful thank you but still I pity you.*

"So how far are you from your home ?" "We are nearly there and I hope you love my home there are so many family there is of course Ra the sun god you will love her." "The god of Nephthys

God of harmony and peace, and the wife of Seth. She could open the ears and mouths of humans, silencing disorder, Nut thegoddess of the sky and heavens,Sekhmet The god of destruction she very different from the us of us so try to stay away." "You don't have to tell me twice I'll be sure to remember that advice you gave me." "Who each is there ?" "Let me see there is also the God of truth and justice Maat she can very hard to talk with but she means well also you would get along with her very well.God of knowledge and wisdom Thoth,The god of the Nile riveris Khnum, God of love and beauty is Hathor she is the protector of women, though men also worshipped her. She had priests as well as priestesses in her temples." There was stars in your eyes "She sounds amazing I would like to meet her as soon I can." "Oh my child I'm getting sad to see you want to go to someone each" "Oh I'm sorry I didn't mean like that I was curious about her but you are my number 1 goddess always in my heart."

"My child I know that I'm just teasing you, however there is one god I had yet to tell you abd that is Seth the god of warand deserts, who wields control over sand and protects Egypt from foreign enemies." "Didn't you say that he had a wife ?" "Yes he does the goddess of peace and harmony Nephthys a very loving women they sound wonderful I can't wait to meet them well you not have to wait any longer we are here my home. Welcome to Ennead."

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