Chapter 19 death a friend

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(Third person point of view)
"Y/N !! Y/N! Wake up ! Child can you hear me ?"
As Osiris yelled at her trying to wake her up then as he was going to check her to see if she was still alive he felt a sudden pull coming from y/n chest. He looked carefully close with his eyes he could clearly see that something was going on in y/n's body.
A flower had being to growing in her body all though it was not showing outside of her body the seed of Seth was growing inside her body as he saw.

A flower had being to growing in her body all though it was not showing outside of her body the seed of Seth was growing inside her body as he saw

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However Osiris still stunned, in shock from y/n as he saw her crying out red petals. Many questions were going through his mind as he picked up y/n from the ground, up into his arms as he was tying to make sense of it all.
(Thinking in Osiris's mind)
*What a foolish women I clearly told the high priestess not to involved anyone else in my garden but did she listen? No she didn't now I have to clean up everything again but now I have to see if I can cure this woman in my arms. Knowing my wife Iris will probably throw a fit when she sees her precious human unconscious she will probably demand Justice her behalf and will bring the high priestess to trial before the sun Ra. Why was I so stupid ? I shouldn't never trusted this woman.*
Osiris then look back at the YN friend dead on the floor as her throat slit open from one of the guards blood was still pouring onto the ground.( Poor child she only got live for a few years and died so young what a pity.)
However he noticed there was two cups filled with the wine made from the same flowers he was growing as he looked closer to the dead girl he noticed small little Vines were coming out from her throat however because she was dead so did the vines as if the life from the Vines died with her as he glared back YN he finally connected the dots however to prove his theory he must take her back to his room in order to confirm it. But before he could as he was walking towards the high priestess who was still on the ground but as for the rest of the guards were hanging from the ceiling of the great Halls.

 But before he could as he was walking towards the high priestess who was still on the ground but as for the rest of the guards were hanging from the ceiling of the great Halls

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High priestess looked at Osiris who still had y/n in his arms she had dared to rise her voice at him. She quickly raised her head at him to say
" I have done everything you have asked I only simply ask from them to help me that was it and two woman before you had betrayed me one of them had planned all of this out." She yelled out in pure rage.
Osiris then raised up his eyebrow looking directly at her "You're telling me that these two slaves before me had planned this to make you look like a fool and then to have this young woman whose throat is slit planned for this to happen."
"That is what I'm saying my Lord."
Then she pointed at y/n who was still unconscious in Osiris arm as she gained enough courage she could to raised her voice at him one final time.
"She planted all this she made it look like I was the villain here she's the one to blame."
"Silence High Priestess do you have evidence proving that it was these two ladies have done it as you so claimed?."
"My King I know Y/n had done it along with her friend Layla those two are thickest thieves they must have planted this together." She said to him.
"But tell me this High Priestess before the flowers started dying off was it true that you had summoned all the the maidens from Iris's temple to help with the flowers when I had said it was only to be you to it." "Yes my King."she had lower her head down as she was bowing towards him.
"But, my king I was only doing in your name they should felt such great honor in their life." That was the last thing she said before Osiris slapped her down the ground as he looked with pity in his eyes.
Osiris became so disappointed by her of how she was always blaming others.
"Was it also true you whipped her more than five times after you tied her to a pillar so she wouldn't escape from you as you whipped her?"
"yes my Lord"
"Then forgive me if I say I don't believe you but I cannot pass judgment upon you so if I were you I would hold my tongue until you are brought to the trial before ra the sun god." The High Priestess trembled in fear by the mere mention of the goddess but she did as he command and did not utter another word. But before he could speak anything Y/N woke up in his arms but something happened that Osiris did not intend he saw her eyes became red as Seth's eyes.

 But before he could speak anything Y/N woke up in his arms but something happened that Osiris did not intend he saw her eyes became red as Seth's eyes

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(Y/n point of view)
As soon I waking up I never thought that HE would look at me like that.
Osiris looked at me with love in his eyes, he slowly brought his hand to my face so he get a closer look he was smiling at me like he does every time he saw Seth with lust in his eyes. It was truly grossed me out so bad of how he has so much hidden lust for Seth I hate it so much.
I tried my best to make his hand away from me but I could still feel weakness in me so I couldn't do it.
Sekhmet. The god of destruction, suddenly grabbed his hand to pull away from and took me away from his arms and into hers. She looked at him with a smile as she said to him "Osiris I don't think your wife will to heat that you are putting your hand on other lady besides her so if I was you I would keep my hands to myself." Osiris look at her with rage as if she took his beloved seth away.
(Thinking in your mind)
*I'm starting to get piss off here my friend is dead on the ground and he's over here looking at me as if I'm his property.*
Sekhmet. The god of destruction, yelled out for more guards to away the high priestess and the guards that was holding the woman here in the great hall against their free will. Sekhmet had told Osiris to write a letter to Iris of what happened at her temple while she would take me to my room. Osiris wanted to speak with me but I refuse him by saying I wanted to be left alone so he left us but I could tell he was piss. "So little one I see you have finally learned your lesson then. Layla would still alive if it was not for you but then again what do I know I'm just god right?"
I looked back at her as she came close to my room "Put me down now please."
"Oh child don't be foolish we are nearly there let me help you a bit more." as she slowly was bringing her hand a little too close to upper to my thighs but I quick push her hand away from me. Then I yelled at her again "PUT ME DOWN NOW I SAID!!" She laughed out loud as she dropped me to the ground I had hissed in pain for a moment before I looked up back at her as she lend down towards me she said "My child if I was you I would stay away from Osiris he will do anything to get his hands on you right now you have these lovely red eyes you have." She walked away from before I could say anything but I managed to pull myself up to walk back to my room as I did I could still remember Layla's face dead on the ground in front of me. As I was coming towards my bed to lay down, hoping to cry myself to sleep someone was in bed. I quick pulled off my blankets off then I couldn't believe my eyes.

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