Chapter 6 the forbidden Gardens

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This will be your room near the garden and of course you will also be taking lessons of how to service the goods here do you understand me child ?" Yes ma'am and thank you for the room again. Think nothing of it also feel free to walk around here I must go attend to my duties so we must part ways here. Thank you again ma'am
Maat left you alone to collect your thoughts of how this going to end.

*This is your room*

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*This is your room*

Thinking in you mind ( Things are finally going to happen now but first I need to find Aunbis to see old he is. That way I'll know long I have to stop Osiris from harming Seth then everything will be ok. I just need to look for

Seth's son first. As you walking pass the the halls you notice it was night already by the time you came there with Isis its very beautiful even at night.

Wow, it's breath taking here all the symbols on the pillars would tell story of every God and what they have done amazing makes me wonder how many stories are there of them and think about it it's kind of like going back in the past I mean nobody ...

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Wow, it's breath taking here all the symbols on the pillars would tell story of every God and what they have done amazing makes me wonder how many stories are there of them and think about it it's kind of like going back in the past I mean nobody would believe me about see this beautiful sight in front of me. I'm getting sidetracked here I need to find Seth's son maybe if I walk around the Garden or at the end of the Temple I'll find him or his wife maybe I'll find Seth's wife I don't know I just have to keep looking.
As you are walking do you notice there was a shadow coming behind from the pillars and realize was Seth's wife and OMG Seth too!!!

*Oh my god they are kissing and they look beautiful together oh my God what a beautiful scene and if only it would last forever for both of them

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*Oh my god they are kissing and they look beautiful together oh my God what a beautiful scene and if only it would last forever for both of them. Hopefully after I figure out how much time I have I can  have to make a plan to stop Osiris.* You left them to have their moment and continue your search for Seth's son. You are looking around the temple at night still trying to find him but had accidentally bumped into a woman in a white robes "Oh my God I am so sorry. Are you all right? I am so sorry I didn't look where I was going I was looking for someone Are you okay? please forgive me." "I am unharmed thank you for your concern sister." "Sister what do you mean by that?" "We are all sisters and brothers here as we are worshipers for the all the gods here." "Oh right, "I didn't realize that." "Are you new here I never seen you before here. ,Yes I am I came here with Isis goddess of magic."
"I see you must be here for the training." Yes I am "Well the training will begin first thing in the morning if I were you I would go back to my room and get some sleep good night."
"Thank you for that and again I'm sorry I was looking for someone."
No apologies needed.
May I ask what are you doing in the middle of the night.
Oh I am here to water the flowers here in the garden.
yeah I noticed that the gardens here are so beautiful.
Do you know who made them? Why Osiris God of life he is in charge of all the gardens here in Egypt and around here all the gardens flow with life and of course he made these Gardens for his wife.
I see that's very lovely of him. Yes he is a merciful and respected king of each other but there is one area where no one is allowed to go there he calls it the Forbidden Garden.
The Forbidden Garden now why is that if I may ask.
I don't know he doesn't let  the gods or the servants to go there the only one who tends to the Garden is Osiris and only him.Do you know what kind of flowers or anything he's going growing there?
I don't know but I heard from one of the servants peeped behind the door and he said he saw a red flower and I just want to warn you Osiris does not take kindly to anyone who tries to go near that Garden I heard one time of servant tried going in there and he was never heard from again. Well I will never go you know its getting late I'm going to back room and maybe I'll see you tomorrow by then. Oh wait what is your name ?
Layla is my name I hope we can get along together now go get some sleep.
As Layla walked away you were so happy as you walking back to your room. I had made a other friend I'm so happy and that's not all, I had found Osiris' fucking red flower the same flower he used on Seth. Now I just need to the find were that forbidden garden is, go in there with someway to kill all the flowers with no one noticing it was me. Wow this going a lot harder then I thought but I'm giving up. I said I would find way to save Seth so I will do so he can happy. But first I will have to find way of how to kill plants here.

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