chapter 20 why god

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Anubis was laying down under the blankets crying his eyes out. He was surprised that I had quickly pulled the blankets off of him that he looked back at me. Anubis what are you doing here in my bedroom? I shouted at him but that only made him cry even more. Listen I didn't mean to lose my temper at you I just lost my friend Layla today she died in my arms.
I know he said as he was getting up from bed and making his way towards me with an a letter in his hand as he walking he was still speaking at me.

 "I was making my way towards your room. I wanted you to sing for me like last time but as soon I came to your room your friend Layla was there too but she was putting a letter on your bed." I was completely shocked that I was hearing this from Anubis and he never lies to me so I knew that he was telling the truth.

 "Does your father know you are here in girl's room by yourself in the middle of the night ? You and I could get in a lot of trouble just for you being here by yourself." I said to him as he was lowing his at the ground I didn't mean to hurt his feelings but even he knew that was all truth. He then said to me again 

"Did you not hear me ?! Your friend was here she was trying to give you something before she died. She was ready to die for you." I  was shocked from what he had just said I was trying to avoid from before about Layla being here in my room but I guess he wanted to tell me right away so I give in for him. He looked at the letter in hand before he give it to me with his head down again as he continued speaking to me.

 "Please listen to me before you get mad at me. I saw what she write for you and I just want you to know that Layla was very good friend that she would never betrayed you, never because she loved you like a sister in her mind you were only one that didn't treated her like a slave but as a friend so before I go read the letter ok miss Y/N. And like I said please don't hate me." As Anubis to turn to leave my room I quickly stopped him by grabbing his hand to make him turn around to tell him "Anubis I would never hate you, never in my whole life. Being here with you has been the most wonderful gift I could ever ask for." 

( point of view of Anubis)

I was very happy to hear from Y/N that she cherished me so much of me it really means a lot for me. I am Anubis. My mother is  Nephthys, goddess of harmony and peace while my father is Seth is god of war but having a powerful father like him it does not mean that I could make new friends because number 1 there are no other kids like me here at the temple near my age, number 2 many of the woman and men are very frightened because of my father I mean he is the god of war so I understand for that reason but still I was very lonely by myself. You came into my life by my Aunt Iris you changed my life by making it more wonderful, making me laugh more and you were never afraid play with me even my dad was there. however when you took my hand into your hand and told me that I was the most wonderful gift happened to you, my heart was beating really fast that I had quick ran towards you to hug and when I had looked at your face I said all the truth to you. "I love you Y\N with all my heart." then I had ran out because I turned red with embarrassment.

(Your point of view)

I was very happy when he had said to me but I could say anything to him, he quickly ran away but he had left the letter in my hand. As I was looking at the letter I didn't want to open it but Layla is not here so I own it for her so I went to open the letter my heart dropped to the floor.

Dear Y/N I hope this finds you well but as we were coming to together with this plan I had notice that the high priestess had kept an eye you for so long that I knew she would had tried to do anything to get you in trouble so forgive me for but I made sure that all the evidence would point at me  to save you but I also knew that could lead to my death but I felt my life was already coming to an end. You see I had lived all my life at the temple from a young age, never wanting to get a married to an older man. But I never really had a real friend until you came along, you're great listener and a great worker to get along with, so believe when I say this I would do all over again my friend for you only no one each, just you. Death may take me away from you but it will never take my memories from me. If the afterlife is true then I would like to have you as my sister so please wait for me in Duat I love you Y/N.

"Layla oh my friend I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry."
My eyes being to fill with tears as I was done reading the letter my heart was breaking all over inside my body.
"Layla please forgive me for failing you."
A sharp pain came from my chest as  I quickly grabbed my chest as if something was growing inside of me it hurts like if a flower was growing in my chest. I started screaming for help. "Help! Help me ! Please someone anyone help!"

 "Help! Help me ! Please someone anyone help!"

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