Chapter 23 down with the bloody big head

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10 fucking minutes has passed and Seth is still carrying me to his room though the Great Halls of the Temple..

You see, getting there is not the problem its how Seth is doing is the problem he hasn't put you down at all yet and you're still blushing because he won't put you down so you had say something to him.

"My lord, please put me down I'm already embarrassed enough." Seth could tell that  you wanted this embarrassing moment to be over and done but how could he when he was having to much fun with you and to be truthful he always wanted the humans not to fear him but he couldn't help it. All humans would run away in fear from him and it hurt him so much but he thought if he could get more love from his family then everything would great again but still deep down inside he still wish that one human, just one wouldn't mind being friends with Seth then everything would be more great for him. 

[In Seth's mind thinking about you]

The gods or the sun god Ra must have answer my wishes because having Y/N as my friend is wonderful but still here I am getting excited over a human but she was not the same as the others she wouldn't mind talking to me or my sister Iris as well but then it came with my brother she always finds a way to get away from him and it makes me wonder why.

He is the king so she should feel safe with him as well like the other humans but not y/n if anything she looks like if she uncomfortable when she is around Osiris.

When Iris had told me she saved Y/N from the river I had many question of how and why but now I'm getting to know her its no wonder Isis wanted her all to herself.  Now I think about that person called Ben is still on Y/n's mind like the time when I heard that night as I was sitting by the window when she was singing out for him and she'd started crying out tears once again calling out the name Ben. Why did should matter to him anyways ? Even now why this person Ben still in her head why ?

[Back to you and Seth]

As you and Seth came into the room he then put you down on the bed as he made his way in the back of the room to getting you something to eat but many questions were going though your head as he was looking at the food so you said to him "Is your wife Nephthys is going be ok with me here with you ?"
Seth's back was still facing you as he answered you back.
"My wife will not care about that you silly humans things like cheating on her with you and besides she would probably be more worried about you being wounded then me being disloyal as a husband to her don't you agree." Come to think of it you were sure that she never had ever being a bad person to you or anyone she just made that deal with Osiris .
Just thinking about it made you dislike Nephthys very much how could she do this to Seth and her son. I mean don't get me wrong here sure she wanted a child like any mother wanted but why not with Seth. Anyways Seth came back with a handful of bread and apples for you to eat with him as he sat down next to you on the bed. "So My Lord are you sure that she won't mind about me being here with you ?" as you asked him again. 

"I told you women you will be fine or do not trust me ?" he said as he glaring at you with his red eyes and it made you want to say something to him so you did as you glared back at him as well "My Lord I just don't want any problem with the goddess and -" he stopped you before you say anything "By the way don't call me My Lord just call me Seth please when you call me that I feel that we aren't close when you do that to me. Most humans would walk away from me or run away and before it didn't bother me but every now and then it does." He said to you as he lower his head while talking to you. "I'm sorry I don't mean to tell you this but I feel like when I talk to you everything is going to be ok. You sat there happy because it's good to know that your friendship with Seth was going great with you and even his son
Anubis is liking you too.
However he spoke to you with respect in his voice to inform you about what will happen tomorrow.
"Tomorrow the gods will pass judgment on the high priestess and you will be there to tell everyone what she did you be ready." As he left you in the room alone so you could get some rest and wait for what tomorrow brings. So here you are  now standing here with her in front of the gods well good morning to everyone.

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