Ch 3

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"So when do you think the fools of Olympus will show up?" Percy asked Damian as they were kicking back in the stands at the arena.

"The immortal ones or their kids?" the son of Thetis asked in reply.

"The immortal ones who love their chairs more than their kids." he said in reply knowing full well that several gods and demigods were listening.

As he finished talking there were twenty two flashes of light as the Olympian Council, Hebe, Persephone, Hades, Thetis, Hestia, Erebus, Chaos, Nyx, Thanatos, and Hecate appeared. Suddenly Hecate ran forward yelling "Little Brother!" before scooping him up and swinging him around laughing while Thanatos walked more sedately while chuckling at his predicament.

"I missed you too Hecate." he said hugging her back once his feet were on the ground.

"Aaw you're hugging your sister, wimp." Ares mocked thinking it was funny but only his nearby children laughed.

"At least my sister wants to hug me." I shot back, "Actually at least my sister actually likes me, and my brothers. Nobody really likes you very much.".

"Hey!" Ares yelled indignantly.

"It's true Ares." Apollo said "The only gods who like you are your parents, Aphrodite, your twin sister, and your kids.".

Before anything else could be said a little voice happily exclaimed "Percy!" as he looked down to see the goddess of youth, Hebe, attached to his leg, Hestia had brought her for a visit once and she had become attached to him.

"Hello little one." he said laughing as he placed her on his shoulders.

"Put down my daughter demigod!" Zeus yelled at him angrily.

"Hey Zeus look it's your demigod child!" I exclaimed pointing to the crowd of demigods.

"Where?" Zeus asked stupidly as Hera got angry and kicked her husband between the legs.

Shaking his head he asked "I thought we were here because Ares wanted to get his ass beat?".

"I'm here to crème you punk!" the war god yelled out, "They say you're better than Achilles but I still have thousands of years of experience. What do you have?".

Raisin an eyebrow he said "A smaller ego." before calling forth his weapons, the Blades of Darkest Night. They were chained blades with the blades extending fifteen inches past the handles. The blades, cross guard, and pommel were made of pure black metal devoid of any other color save for the veins of bright luminescent silver.

"What are those?" Ares asked laughing "Toothpick? This is a real man's weapon!" and he pulled out a spear that was twenty feet long and, still in his fifteen foot form, got into a fighting crouch.

"These are the Blades of Darkest Night." he said simply as he gently picked up Hebe before handing her to Hecate all traces of mirth vanished from his face, "And they shall be your downfall in this battle.".


"This is going to be really bad." Damian muttered.

"Of course it is," Zeus said arrogantly "it is a mortal against a god. What else would you expect?".

"No I mean that Percy gets really pissed whenever someone insults his weapons." he said rubbing his temples, "Those blades are forged from three different sets of chained blades from the second age that were all wielded by the being who killed the gods and titans of the first two ages. His spirit trained us in the Underworld.".

"But gods can't die." Athena said confused "How?".

"Percy will explain everything on Olympus after the meeting as he knows the most about the topic." Chaos said and laughed when the Olympians only now seemed to notice him.

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