Ch 9

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Clutching the armrests of his throne tightly, the king of the gods watched as his son, the god of war, fought the son of Chaos after admitting to aiding the theft of his Master Bolt. When Perseus drew his sword he felt a shiver run down his spine at the horror he felt from the designs. When he saw Ares fade from the killing blow he turned to the throne of the god of war as it cracked and crumbled apart expecting to see the essence of the god of war power where the throne once was but to his surprise there was nothing but the rubble from the throne. "What was that?!" Aphrodite screamed terrified while the gods who were loyal to the Chaos spawn smirked and glowed due to Ares' sword being sacrificed.

"That was Percy's ultimate weapon," Hephaestus said with a smirk "the Blade of Olympus. He'll explain more when he arrives.".

"When he arrives?" he asked the god of the forge nervously.

"He's coming here on Ares chariot in its motorcycle form." Apollo explained as he tinkered with an IPod.

As if the sun god's words were an invitation there was a loud rumble and Ares' Harley dropped into the throne room with the son of Chaos grinning from it.


Taking off from Santa Monica beach he flew off towards Mount Olympus in New York and activated the bike's light speed feature. Shutting off the light speed feature he drove through an opening in the throne room roof, landing with a thud in the center of the rom. "What do you want Chaos Spawn?!" Athena demanded the moment he landed.

Raising an eyebrow at the goddess of wisdom he mentally smirked at the fact that she didn't have the necklace she stole from medusa, his father having told him about how the necklace was being remade. "Simple goddess of stupidity," he snarked causing Athena to glare while his friends chuckled at his insult "I am here to let you know that it will be impossible for you to crown a new god of war.".

"What are you talking about?" Zeus demanded angrily.

Raising an eyebrow he replied "Did you not remember what I told you all before? I not only execute you if need be but I also choose your successors.". The gods, those who weren't allied with him at least, all paled as they remembered that detail while Hera glared at him.

"Why do you hate us so much demigod?" Hera demanded both confused and angry.

Looking the queen of the gods in the eye I suddenly got an idea, "Why do I hate you?" I asked scornfully "Because I have watched you and I have seen nothing to differ most of you from your second age counterparts. Most of you in fact seem to copy what they did action for action, mistake for mistake.".

"And is that such a bad thing to be like them? And we are gods, we don't make mistakes." Athena sneered arrogantly.

"Let me tell you a story I learned from my trainer about one of the greatest heroes of the second age," he said turning some of the shadows behind him into a throne as he settled down into it and the gods and goddesses who weren't his friends looked eager to hear what he was about to say. "It all starts with a son of Poseidon," he said settling into his shadow throne "back then there was a time when the original big three tried a pact much like you all did, against having demigod children. Like you that Zeus and Poseidon broke that pact, in fact many of the events of that heroes time match up to current ones in terms of the decisions of you Olympians. Zeus' daughter from that age was sealed away for what was believed to be an eternal emptiness. Poseidon's son however was a few years younger and had a much harder life. He was raised in a home with an abusive stepfather whom his mother had married to hide his demigod scent but a few monsters still leaked through. When he was eleven he was attacked by one of Hades' furies driving him to the demigod training grounds were he was attacked by the minatour which captured his mother on Hades' orders before the son of Poseidon ripped the minatour's horn clean off and stabbed the creature with it.".

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