Ch 20

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The moment the shores of Camp Half-Blood came into view he pulled out a spy glass, turning it to Thalia's tree and sighed in relief when he saw the fleece gleaming from its branches, "Clarisse made it with the Fleece," he called out to the group behind him "the Camp is safe once again.".

"Is this where we're going to spend the rest of the summer?" Circe asked him curiously as they looked over the camp, the goddess having never seen the safe haven from demigods before.

"For part of it at least," he said to the goddess he would be spending his life with, wrapping an around both her and Medusa "I was thinking we could also spend some time on your island as well after we do a little…journey I had in mind for the three of us.".

"What sort of Journey?" Medusa asked confused "Where would we be going?".

"That my dear is a surprise," he said with a grin, kissing her temple when she gave him a pout "but I know you'll love it.".

As their ship reached the docks of the Camp he walked down the gangplank, his arms linked with the two women who he was to spend his life with, as they were greeted by Chiron, Clarisse, and Dionysus, "Welcome home Heroes," Chiron said cheerfully as they disembarked before the ancient trainer of heroes noticed Circe causing the son of Kronos' eyes to widen, "is that Circe?" the camp trainer asked in shock.

"Circe was one of the two women Aphrodite's spell selected," he said, having decided to stop referring something that allowed him to be with such amazing women a 'curse' "I don't' know who the last one will be though.".

"If the pattern keeps up it will probably be a Titaness," Dionysus said shrugging "you already have a women that was a gorgon as well as a goddess, now all you need is an immortal Titaness and you'll have the full trifecta.".

"Why do I feel like Uncle D just jinxed me?" he asked Damian who laughed at his question.

"Probably because he just did," Damian told him with a grin, the son of Thetis nudging a blushing Zoe jokingly "now the only question is who.".

"I don't know," Zoe said with a shrug, "maybe my sister?".

Somehow he could almost feel that Calypso wasn't the girl affected by the spell, a sort of gut feeling that told him while he might become friends with her now, and she might fall in love with him, she wouldn't be the one the spell selects.

Deciding to keep his thoughts to himself, on the off chance he was wrong, he led the girls back to the Chaos cabin, introducing his second Fiancé to the rest of the cabin who welcomed her with open arms before they began planning the best way to handle the situation when Thalia was released from the tree with her memories as it didn't take much to realize that Zeus wasn't exactly going to be pleased with the development…especially after he had purposefully gotten the king of the gods hopes up with his story after the quest last summer.

"So who do you think will be the next Olympian to fall?" Travis asked, the son of Hermes kicking back on a couch along with Connor "The next quest is the whole 'holding the sky thing' after all?".

"I don't intend to go on that one if I don't have to," he said with a shrug "I went last time for two reasons, one is that at the time I was still smitten with Annabeth and wanted to rescue her and the second was that I promised Nico that I would protect Bianca. This time around I don't have any reason to protect the blonde bird brain and Bianca isn't a part of the hunters so has no reason to go on the quest.".

"Fair enough," Zoe said with a shrug before she frowned "but how will it even start? It happened last time because Artemis heard about the great stirring of monsters and went on her hunt when we went to recruit Bianca. What's going to kick it off this time?".

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