Ch 21

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"There it is," he growled as he gazed at the small island that guarded the entrance to the Mediterranean "The Pillars of Gibraltar and home of Hercules and Achelous.".

"Are you going to end them?" Circe asked curiously as he pushed away the periscope "Like you're doing with some of the Olympians?".

"I'm going to ignore Achelous as he doesn't do much really except mope about bitterly," he said with a shrug "as for Hercules…I'm going to beat the bastard to within an inch of his immortal life for what he did to Zoe but I won't kill him, that privilege belongs to her.".

"What are Hercules domains anyway?" Medusa asked as she walked over to them "I know he was made a minor god but does he actually have a domain of his own?".

At that question he scowled "Zeus did give the bastard a domain but in one of the most foul ways possible." He answered furiously "You all know how Athena gained not only her Olympian Throne but her first name 'Pallas' by slaying the titan Pallas, who had supported the gods, in a bout for the seat?".

"Slain?" Circe asked in confusion "I thought she merely defeated him and he left out of anger.".

"No," he shook his head "she coated her spear in the blood from the Golden Hind, one of the only things that can kill a god, and it acted as a poison. Every wound she inflected slowed down Pallas until she slew him. She took his name as a way of mocking the man and, to add insult to injury, Athena's companion Nike was Pallas' daughter." (AN: That actually is the myth I found about how Athena got her council seat and her name (although I couldn't find how she killed Pallas so I just went with the whole 'Hind's Blood' thing from that old Hercules TV show).

"That's horrible," Circe gasped in disgust while Medusa growled, the once-gorgon still hating anything to do with Athena with a passion "and Zeus allowed this?".

"I'm pretty sure he encouraged it," he said with a snarl "a way to 'remove a potential threat to his rule'. But when Zeus decided to make Hercules a god they did the same thing only this time he had Athena murder the god in his sleep and it was Kratos, the original god of strength and Power…and Nike's brother.".

"Okay that's it," Medusa growled "when it comes time to fight Athena and end her existence she's mine!".

"Very well love," he said, kissing Medusa tenderly to calm her down "but I will have to wield the sword that deals the final blow, it only allows me to hold it.".

"As long as I get to be the one to beat her down I don't have a problem with it." Medusa said with a nod before he grinned and began punching in some commands on the automaton submarine's control panel.

"Alright girls suit up," he grinned "we're about to hit the beach as well as Hercules. You'll need your weapons, armor, and a camera to preserve the fool getting his ass beat.". As the girls put on their gear he brought the submarine up to the surface, sea water flying as the mechanized beast burst forth before its head settled onto the sand. Climbing out of the main hatch he looked down at the soaking wet and surprised Hercules. "So you're Hercules?" he mused aloud "I thought you'd be taller…and harrier.".

"Who are you demigod?" Hercules growled angrily, the minor immortal snapping out of his shock and hefting his club "I wish to know who it is I am about to kill.".

"Perseus," he said, leaping from the submarine's head onto the beach, Circe and Medusa climbing down after him "Olympian Slayer.".

"You're the one who slew Ares and Aphrodite?" Hercules asked in surprise "Some nosy little half-blood runt?".

In way of answer he sent a fist made of sand at Hercules face, the surprised god caught off guard as the blow hit, making the immortal stumble back in surprise "Before we begin," he snarled, drawing his blades of Darkest Night as he went "I just want to say…my sister Zoe says hello." Before he roared, charging Hercules with fury.

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