Chapter 45

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I sprinted down the hallway, purse tucked under my arm like a football, and headed for the ladies’ room. Before I made it, Rick stormed after me and grabbed my arm. I wrenched it away and glared at him. “How dare you!”

“Melissa, you ignored me before the ten o’clock show last night. You barely spoke to me unless we were on-air. How am I supposed to apologize?”

“Well, you’re making it all better,” I said. “Helping Drew choose an anchor to replace me. I was going to ask if he’d consider hiring me. For good.”

Rick took a deep breath and blew it out. “You’ve got it all wrong.”

Tears filled my eyes. One escaped and rolled down my cheek. I brushed it away angrily.

“What do you mean?” I sniffed, trying to compose myself.

“If you want the job, all you have to do is tell him. It’s yours. He was just saying he didn’t think you were that interested.”

I raised an eyebrow.

“I told him he needed to talk to you.” Rick held up both hands. “I didn’t say another word. Honest.”

“Really?” I managed a small smile. “Thanks. I appreciate that.” My hands shook. I had to ask. “And so, what about the DVDs?”

Rick crossed his arms and looked down at me. “Melissa, one of the reporters handed in her notice this morning. Drew’s looking for someone who can report and fill-in anchor. He asked my opinion on a few of the new DVDs. We weren’t talking about you. Or the six and ten job.”

Now I felt ridiculous. “Oh.” I wiped at my eyes.

“Okay?” Rick asked.

I sniffed back another tear. “Okay.”

“Don’t be so hard on yourself,” Rick lectured. “You’re better than that.”

I nodded and swallowed.

He glanced around and lowered his voice.

“And, I promise, I won’t cross the line. Or the anchor desk. Or anything.” Rick drew an ‘X’ over his heart, looked up with an innocent expression, and pressed his hands together in prayer. “That was me being needy and stupid. Which is what gets me into trouble every time. You didn’t do anything to encourage it. Call it temporary insanity on my part.”

“I…I don’t even know what to say,” I whispered back. “Except don’t ever do that again. Not with me or anyone at the station. Please. We’ve had enough drama around here.” I stared at Rick to emphasize my point. “Deal?”

“Deal,” he agreed.

"You can’t afford to get divorced again, anyway,” I jabbed in his direction with my finger. “Right?”

Rick frowned in agreement. “Yeah, and I don’t think my reputation could take the beating.” He pointed at the restroom. “Now take a few minutes and go clean up. That officer will be here any minute to take a statement about Alyssa.”

On cue, Drew boomed from the end of the hallway. “Melissa! Rick!”

I jumped, shaken by the interruption.

“Go ahead, I’ll cover for you,” Rick whispered and pushed open the door.
I didn’t have the energy to argue anymore. My nerves were frazzled, and no doubt, I looked frightful.

“Go!” he urged me and gave my arm a gentle shove.

With a backward glance, I stepped through the ladies room entrance, flicked on the light switch, and pull the door shut behind me. The round, clear bulbs around the makeup mirror glowed bright as I caught my reflection.

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