Chapter 11

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"So basically, we were set up?" Carter said in disbelief.

Lee signaled him to lower his voice, still observing the armed strangers. "Look, I know how it sounds, but there's people out there ready to shoot us on sight."

"Well... Maybe they're just here for backup," his friend suggested. "Yeah, we probably got everything wrong."

"Carter, I wouldn't take that chance. I say we escape through that window over there and get around from the back to the car."

"I don't know if my knees can handle all that action," Sammy spoke up, shifting his weight from one foot to the other.

"Look, lemme just talk to them," Carter put his hand on Lee's shoulder. "They're probably on our side and we're making a big deal out of nothing."

"I heard them talking about us," Lee shrugged his hand away. "I'm pretty sure they were sent to eliminate us."

That wasn't enough to convince Carter. "See? You're not even sure! I'll just go out there and see what's up."

"You go out there, you die."

Trish perked her head up when she heard this, raising her eyebrows. "I mean, I think he should go."

Lee ignored her comment, looking at Carter directly into his eyes with an unwavering seriousness. "Help them climb out the window, I'll guard the door."

His friend crossed his arms together, knitting his brows. "Can I at least see what's going on out there?"

Lee sighed, turning towards him in resignation. "Fine, be my guest."

Carter took his position at the door, curious to see what had his partner so bothered. In his mind, he was sure that Lee was just showing obvious signs of jealousy due to his close friendship to Carl. After all, this was their first case back together in years and they usually worked only with each other, as they've always done.

Carter wanted to relive his glory days, exactly as he'd spent them with his partner-in-crime, but so much had changed since those days. Then, there was the looming question of what he was going to do once this whole investigation was over...

"Still not too late to go reason with them," Trish muttered as she struggled to scratch her wrist under her handcuffs.

Lee turned to her and Sammy, taking off his leather jacket and tying it around his waist. "You two, get to the window."

Holding their captive's arm, the elder dragged her with him. They watched as Lee got next to the broken window and crouched close to it, interlocking his fingers together to make a boosting pedestal out of his hands. He looked up at Sammy, waiting on him.

Sammy's eyes widened in surprise, he glanced at Trish, smiling nervously. "Ladies first."

Lee vigorously shook his head. "No, you go first. If she goes, she might escape."

Sammy looked at him hesitantly, then back at Trish who was glaring daggers at him, before finally letting go of her arm and slowly walking towards the inspector. He placed his foot in Lee's palms and clutched his shoulder tightly. Lee tried not to wince from Sammy's nails digging in his shirt. Trish smiled in amusement from seeing the elder's scared expression.

Steadying himself, Lee counted to three before lifting Sammy's foot up. The old man launched himself at the window, successfully placing his left knee on the ledge and sliding his body through the frame. With a helpful push from Lee, he fell on his stomach on the other side with a soft thud.

After checking if Sammy was okay, Lee looked back at Trish. "Alright, you're next."

"Are you gonna get me out of these first?" She lifted her wrists up.

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