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Hey guys. Plz feel free to kill me. Pick your choice:

1) drowned

2) buried alive

3) married to Sakura

4) eaten by a Titan

Yeah I know what option y'all are gonna pick so lemme just:

Yeah I know what option y'all are gonna pick so lemme just:

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Sorry. I'm so sorry. Stuff came up. That's all I can say, really. Feel free to feed me to the Titans. And if you want it to be extremelyyyyy painful, pick the Jaw.

Moving on...


I don't think I've said 'fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck' to myself this long and this hard.

Is this what it's like? Being stuck between the devil and the sea?

In this case, Sukuna was definitely the sea.

Or maybe not. Maybe he was the devil.

A handsome devil, but oh sure Megumi, you cluster-fuck, dumbass, that's gonna get you out of this mess. Go kill yourself already (like the author).

Sukuna takes a step forward. He speaks, his voice deep and low. 'Megumi, who is this?'

I try to speak but my breath catches in my throat. I feel curiously restrained, helpless. As though nothing I do right now can help the situation. As though the only one who holds power in the current scenario is him.

The towering guy beside me. 

He steps forward, pushing me back, and repeats the question without turning his head. 'Megumi, who is he?'

My dad explodes. 'You dare to show up at MY house and ask MY son who his father is?'

'I'm sorry,' Sukuna says, coolly, 'you two don't look alike.'

What the hell? That came out of nowhere. 

I grab Sukuna's arm. 'Sukuna, shut up and let's just go.'

He shrugs me off. 'I think I'd like to speak to your dad, Megumi.'

What does he think is, a teacher?

My dad stares Sukuna up and down. 'Who did you say you were again?'

'Sukuna. Ryoumen Sukuna.' Sukuna tips an imaginary hat off his head and inclines it, a cold, offhand gesture that very clearly incenses my dad more than he already is.

'My son's not going anywhere with you, got it?' He growls. 'I'm done with him running around with shitty rich brats like that orange-haired kid-'

'Yuuji has pink hair, Dad,' I say, and I don't know why I sound so tired when I say it, or why something about the tone of my voice makes Sukuna look around at me, and stare intently.

I Don't Like Him! (SUKUNA X MEGUMI)Where stories live. Discover now