➸ ⁰⁶ : 𝐖𝐚𝐫𝐦𝐭𝐡

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Exiting his house, Philip closed the doors and gave a long sigh. Even if it's just a day, he misses North. But he should be happy that South maybe is getting along with North Korea again.

Even with no solid confimation. Philip marked the two, "Mission completed. Even if I did literally nothing.." Philip celebrated a small dance in his head but also sulk deeper in the inside. He wished he did something more.

He can confirm it though since he got a project with South. It was not showed but South had told him that they're gonna eat lunch together in the garden this monday.

Talking about lunch, Philippines brought two. For him and.. Belgium. He did promised that he'll make lunch for Belgium so he did. He wanted to make one for NK too but he decided not to.

After some walking in silence, someone walked besides him. He glanced to his side with a small smile and the same time, the female¿ country besides him also looked at him with a charming smile.

The two stopped on their tracks with mouths slightly agaped. Philippines took this time to recognize which country she is, "E-estonia right?" he stuttered with pink dusting his cheeks.

Estonia cleared her throat and nodded, "Y-yeah! My name is Estonia.. What would be this handsome man's name..?" she asked with warm cheeks. "My name is Philippines.. You have beautiful eyes.. And face.." he complimented.

The two stared at each other before Estonia looked away. "Sorry for staring.." she muttered. Philippines also apologize and another two female countries popped besides Estonia who Philip recognize, Latvia and Lithuania. "Hey Estonia! Who's this guy?" Lithuania grinned at the Estonian.

Latvia looked at the Filipino and analyzed him. "Woah~ he looks fine Esto. Is he your boyfriend?" bothe Estonia and Philip instantly denied it, "N-no!" the two other baltic countries ftowned at that denial.

"Okay.." Latvia then walked on the right side of Philip while Lithua is on Estonia's left side. "Let's walk together to work!" Lithua suggested and they all agreed with Esto and Philip having their arm brush at each other since the Lithua and Latvia are squeezing them to each other.

The walk consists with Lithuania and Latvia asking questions to Philip. Estonia tried to get them to leave Philip alone but the Filipino said that it's fine. It all started with asking his name to,

"Are you single and ready to mingle?" Latvia winked at the Filipino. The male country laughed nervously and nodded, "I gues—" "What is your type?" Lithu cuts off. Estonia knows where this is gonna go but didn't said anything.

"My type? I guess.. Anyone is fine." he answered. The two pouted but played along either ways. Philip kept glancing once in a while to Estonia with the Estonian doing the same and their eyes keep getting in contact.

⑇ ⑈ ▔▬ ▀

"Uhm, I'm gonna go to the cafeteria first. I think I need some coffee before work." Philip excused himself. "Oh sure! But before we go, our floor is Floor-59!" Latvia winked before they head to the elevator.

Philippines made a mental carving on his face that Estonia's floor is 59. That made Philip thought heavily since he's sure that Floor-59 is Russ—

Someone bumped to Philip while he's standing, "Oh sorry! Sorry! I wasn't watching my way.." the country shooked his head before looking to Philip. "Oh. It's you." Greece glared before looking at Philip's stained pants. It's a black pants but it's stained with coffee.

"H-hot.. Uhm.. I-it's fine.. Ehm.." Philip dropped his suit case and looked around. Greece stared at him for a moment before sighing out-loud. "Take your case, Let's go to the bath-floor." Greece meant the Floor-2. He took Philip's hand and the Filipino immediate grabs his things before letting the Greek drag him.

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