➸ ⁰⁹ : 𝐖𝐚𝐫𝐦𝐭𝐡

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The sun shone brightly as everyone stood in the green wide field, currently, The hosted event by UNEP [World Environment Program] or Sir.Envi and UNWTO [World Tourism Organization] or just Sir.Tou as they call him. The event is something focused about..

"—and that's, Project Tellus! A project created by our lovely humans who came from different parts of the world to come as one with the same ideals to save our lovely earth." Envi clasped both of his hands together as he smiled warmly. Everyone clapped their hands but most of them showed uninterest and fake smiles in their faces.

Tou then added, "Now that it's time, Not time to leave but time for all of you to explore this vast field that is free from waste and full of beautiful plants." the countries stayed on their spots, some were sleeping while some were awake, barely keeping up and there's,

"Romania~!" Bulgaria hopped to his side and grinned widely, "C'mon let's go over the fields on there!" he pointed at the part of the field with tall grasses.

The called country rolled his eyes and shooked his head, "No thanks. I know what you and Hungary are planning again." Bulgaria irked a mark in hearing the name of the Hungarian country. "I don't want to be associated with that guy!" he yell, pointing over Hungary who's talking to Austria.

Romania grabbed Bulgaria by the head and pushed him over to Croatia. "Ow!" Croatia pushed the Bulgarian to the ground before she glared to the Romanian, "Don't throw trash on me!"

Romania merely ignored the smaller country and turned his focus on the country infront of him. "Czechia.?" He muttered but shrugged as he identified the country infront of him as Czechia¿

'Czechia' was wearing a baby blue backpack with cue designs on it which made Romania snicker and notice the hanging alcohol¿ on the zipper pin of the bag, in a 'special spray container'.

He thought it was alcohol. The Romanian stayed quiet as he sprayed the alcohol¿ on his hand and rubbed it all over his neck and face.

"Huh..?" his eyes welled up. He turned away from all the countries and he ran towards the male restroom stall.

︑︒⚬∙︓·⠄⑇    ∙︓⑈ ▔  ▬  ▀

Holding a pen and a notebook, Philippines approached the Swedish country. "Sweden! Can I have you for a second?" Philip's sunny aura became visible in the hoard of european countries. Almost everyone stayed silent and looked at Sweden and Philippines.

Sweden turned around with a soft and friendly smile on his face. "Oh? Sure. What is it?" Sweden is on a good mood today. The Filipino brought up his pen and notes and without looking up, "A fact from your country says that Swedish recycling is the most effective in the world that you had to import garbage from other countries! Is that true?"

Sweden perked up and stood straight with a proud look on his face. 'Am I getting interviewed!? This is so cool! Finally someone pointed that out about me!' he thought happily to himself. "Indeed it is! My people love recycling so much and I knew I had to fund their happiness and import garbage from others! They were also getting paid good for it—"

The other nordic countries sighed heavily as someone just boasted Sweden's ego. Every nordic country has their very own achievements and they will be so-like Sweden right now if they were also interviewed about it.

"Hey! That's the cutie guy that Estonia likes." Lithuania popped out of nowhere between Finland and Iceland. The Finnish gasped as he widened his eyes, "E-estonia!? But..." Finland's lips quivered because whenever it's about Estonia, he gets emotional. He loves the Estonian.

Faroe Islands or just Faroe patted Finland comfortingly in the back. "That's okay Fin-Fin."

Denmark winced for his friend and patted Finland in the back. "It's okay dude.. You can still snipe that 'cutie guy'." the Danish joked and laughed loudly. Greenland slapped Denmark in the head. "Don't joke about that stuff idiot!" Denmark rubbed his head while pouting.

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