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Set right where s7 finishes and everything's happened the same but imagine Richelle and Ozzy didn't have their hug and make up scene.

Dancemania had finished and A troupe were all sat in Summer and Kenzie's hotel room talking in little groups.

Ozzy's staring intensely at Richelle who is sat in her own little world really.

"Ozzy you okay man? You look mad or something" Kingston says, noticing how much of a mood Ozzy's been in all day. 

"No I'm not okay I'm still pissed off and I don't get why everyone else isn't!" Ozzy replied. 

"With Richelle? Come on Ozzy get over it, she did the right thing in the end and besides Summer basically did the same thing and you happily forgave her and I thought you were like in love with Richelle why've you been giving her such a hard time?" 

" The Summer situation was different and I'm not in love with Richelle shut up" Ozzy moans

"Whatever you say bro" Kinston says, just confused as to what Ozzy's whole thing was with Richelle, all of A troupe was angry at her but he was furious and now we've all forgave her and he's just not going to?

Richelle was sat alone, whilst everyone else sat in little groups talking. She felt isolated. The team had forgiven her, and they'd all had a great time dancing together but for some reason it still felt like there was a little bit of tension as soon as they stepped off the stage.

The only person she'd really spoke to was Summer when they were practicing the dance alone together before going onstage. 

Summer understood why Richelle did what she did. She had told Richelle about how although she thinks most of A troupe would move on and forget what happened Ozzy had been really angry at Richelle and wasn't really showing a change of heart. Richelle was a little hurt by this as she had considered him one of the closer people to her but whatever he was probably just being dramatic and making a scene like he always does. She was sure they'd be fine as soon as they were done the dance and everything.

Richelle felt a tap on her shoulder and turned around to see Heath. 

Heath was someone she'd spoke to a lot in the past year but mainly just because he was close friends with Ozzy and Kingston and Richelle wasn't really 'close' with them, just closer with them than she was to anyone else on A troupe, so she spoke to them a fair bit.

"Hey thought you might want someone to talk to" Heath smiled at Richelle

"Yeah thanks" Richelle said, without any real energy behind it. She was actually really happy Heath had came over and wanted to talk, but there was a lot on her mind.

"I just wanna say as well your solo oh my god it was amazing, I'm so glad you joined us in the final because we would not of done as well without you, and don't tell the rest of A troupe but we definitely wouldn't of won if we had to compete against you"

Heath had always admired Richelle as a dancer and kind of took inspiration from her competitiveness. He also knew A troupe were doomed without her whilst the rest of A troupe argued they were better off. He also didn't have any resentment towards her despite her leaving, when the team repeatedly talked bad about her he never joined in.

"Thanks Heath, that's nice to hear" she replied and it was nice to hear, she was glad to be appreciated by someone.

"Oh of course now she gonna sit and laugh with Heathcliff of all people" Ozzy mutters under his breath, Kingston and Henry hear and just look at each other confused 

"Chill bro" Henry said. 

"I don't care, it's just typical" Ozzy replied

Kingston chimes in "If you don't care stop with the immature comments and leave her alone, you don't have to be best friends with her just civil"


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