The next day

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Very much a shit filler chapter sorry 😘😝

After making some food for herself and putting Ozzy's clothes in the wash Richelle went upstairs to her room where she began to take her makeup off and think about the very eventful day she had. By now it was past 3 am and Richelle decided to set an alarm for 6 so she was awake in case Ozzy woke up early, she usually woke up at around that time anyway so she could have a long productive day and having around 3 hours sleep was completely normal for her because between being a perfect dancer, doing her school work and any washing or cleaning that needed doing she had little time for rest.

Her alarm went off at 6 as planned and she got up and threw leggings and a sports bra on, did her morning skincare and went downstairs. She decided to make a smoothie so got the blender out and then remembered Ozzy was asleep and he was in one of the downstairs guest rooms so would probably be woken up by the noise. 'Oh fuck it I've done enough for him he can't prevent me from having a nice morning after an awful night last night.' She thought getting the fruit out and throwing it along with some oats in the blender. She made more than normal in case Ozzy wanted some when he woke up, her mum and dad often made her make them smoothies on mornings when they were hung over. Richelle drank her smoothie and went to do some stretches in the empty room that she'd always wanted to turn into a dance studio with mirrors and proper flooring, but her Mum and dad never let her. Not because of the money or anything but because they didn't want to encourage her obsession with dance, they always thought it was pointless and that she's wasting her life away. They never took the time to realise how good she was and in their heads she would never be a dancer so should be aspiring to be like them- rich business owners.

She practiced her turns and did some acro and after about two hours of practice she went into the living room.

It was around 10 am and Ozzy woke up in an interesting state. "what the fuck" he said out loud after opening his eyes and taking a minute to realise he had no idea where he was, it looked a bit like a hotel room he thought. Ozzy had stomach pains, a dreadful headache and overall just felt weak. He sat trying to piece together what had happened as he'd assumed the awful pain he was in was a hangover and he had little snippets in his head of taking shots with some boys he knew from football. He saw his phone sat on a shelf on the other side of the room and got off the bed to go get it. He did not enjoy the walk over and fell straight back into bed once he'd got it. He mentally prepared himself for hundreds of calls of his parents considering he was God knows where presumably the next morning but when he turned his phone on it was 10:09 AM and there wasn't any, this just confused him more. The only message he had was from Kinston at 02:34 Am saying 'Got a lot of questions for you Ozzy, but I'm glad you're safe' Ozzy had a lot of questions himself, but was glad Kingston seemed to think he was safe.

He checked on his phone where he was and he was in the really nice, expensive area of town which is when he remembered he had went to a party at that Adam kids house. He checked the postcode Adam had sent him and he was still in the same place, he must have slept at Adams but he wasn't wearing the same clothes as yesterday so he was slightly confused. He decided to go out of the room he was in despite the fact every inch of his body was in pain.

"Oh my god the light" Ozzy says out loud as the bright light along with the white walls and white tiles all hit his eyes, the room he was in had dark grey almost black walls and no lights were turned on so he hadn't realise how sensitive to light he was going to be. He takes a minute, wipes his eyes and begins to look round the house. He didn't remember much of the night before but he could of sworn the house looked very different to this.

After looking in about 5 or 6 different rooms he firstly was completely shocked about how big the house is and secondly finally saw someone sat in what looked like the main living room it was a blonde girl facing the other way so she couldn't see him

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