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Kingston walked back over to Ozzy and gave him a hug

"Come on then lets go talk" he said and they walked upstairs. Realistically Ozzy just wanted to go back to sleep but he brought this on himself so there wasn't much he could do.

"Come on then what's wrong Ozzy?"

"What nothing's wrong"

"You've not been yourself for ages and now you're at a party drinking from what I've heard crazy amounts of alcohol despite the fact you basically never drink. Not to mention the fact I've been asking you to hang out all week and you keep saying no and then you go out without me."

"It's nothing personal obviously" Ozzy says, not wanting Kingston to think he has a problem with him or something. In reality Ozzy's been busy going in and out of hospitals to see Gia and the reason he didn't ask Kingston to go to Adam's with him was because he didn't want to have to look after him all night, which he often did as Kingston normally drank whilst Ozzy stayed sober. Yesterday Ozzy just wanted to let loose and forget his problems, which would have been a lot harder to do if Kingston was there.

"Can we just forget about it Kingston" Ozzy says

"If that's what you want but I'm just trying to understand"

"There's nothing to understand"

"If you say so" Kingston sighs. "One more thing though what the fucks up with you and Richelle"

"What do you mean?"

"Well last time I asked, you told me you hadn't spoke since before dance mania"

"Ye well we might have had a conversation. I didn't tell anyone because it wasn't a big deal"

"That doesn't explain why you acted like you were still on bad terms"

"Ugh it was just easier. It stopped everyone always making fun of me for being obsessed with her or whatever"

They sat in silence for a minute or two until Kingston spoke

 "Do you still like her?" he asked 

"It doesn't matter" Ozzy said with a sad tone

"She clearly cares about you a lot" Kingston said, trying to cheer Ozzy up a bit

"Yeah hardly" Ozzy laughed "I heard what she said to you before, she would have done that for anyone on A troupe"

"I'm not so sure about that" Kingston replied "either way you should definitely be grateful, God knows where you'd be right now if it wasn't for her"

"Yeah" Ozzy said starting to feel really bad for putting Richelle in that situation and ruining her night, even if it wasn't intentional

Kingston and Ozzy sat and played some games until like 11 when he got a text from his mum saying to come home but his car was still at Adams from when he went yesterday so he decided to just walk and get it.

"Are you sure you don't want me to drive you Ozzy its late" Kingston said

"No its fine it's only like a 20 minute walk and I could do with getting some fresh air"

"Okay see you soon yeah?"

"Yep of course"

"Okay stay safe bro" Kingston said and Ozzy left.

He took his time to get home with the hopes that by the time he got there everyone would be asleep. He quietly opened the door and the house was pitch black but he heard what sounded a bit like crying so he turned one of the lights on

"Izzy?" he said seeing her sat on her own on the kitchen floor. It was nearly midnight and she normally fell asleep really early, at like 10ish.

"Ozzy! Where've you been?" she says wiping away tears

"I've just came back from Kingston's. What up though? Is Gia okay?" Ozzy says

"Yes she's fine but it's just hard you know"

"Yeah I get it but she'll be fine" Ozzy says whilst walking over to Izzy to give her a hug "Come on though get to bed you have school tomorrow"

"Okay I'll go up now. Goodnight Ozzy" Izzy said

"Night Iz" he replied and smiled but as soon as she'd gone upstairs he sighed and put his head in his hands. Ozzy loved his family and normally they were all happy and got along but at the moment it was quite the opposite. Ozzy felt the pressure to constantly try and cheer everyone up and to stop the arguing but it was hard when he was feeling just as worried about the whole situation as the rest of them.

It was around 3am and Ozzy couldn't sleep at all. He debated calling Richelle because he felt really bad about the whole situation and wanted to apologize and just talk to her, plus she always said she falls asleep really late so he doubted he'd wake her up but he decided against it, he didn't want to still come across as that boy who's crazy obsessed with her.

I really hate this chapter for some reason but I cba rewriting it and it's really just another filler chapter so bare with me the next few will be better  XX

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