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This is a few weeks after dancemania and Nick has sent all the dancers home because nationals is cancelled and studio A is getting renovated. Richelle and Ozzy haven't really spoke since there convo outside the hotel

Richelles phone was ringing

"Hey Adam what do you want"

"Heyyyy richelle"

"Are you drunk?"

"Nope just exited, hopefully drunk within the next hour tho"

"Okay? What do you want from me then?"

"I'm having some people round thought you might like to walk over"

Adam went to Richelle's school, and he was her next-door neighbour and they were close but she didn't really know many of his friends.

"How many people?" she asked

"Oh, not a lot, it's a small gathering I'd say" Adam says knowing Richelle hates parties and would never come if she thought loads of people would be there

"Errmm I don't know" Richelle replied. The next step had been closed for a few weeks for renovations and because nationals had been cancelled so Richelle had been doing little to no socialising, even less than normal, and to be honest she didn't really feel like changing that.

"Come on Richelle don't be a bore come over and I promise you'll have a good time'

"fine' she says reluctantly

"Yayyy see you in an hour! And I know your mum and dad aren't in and I also know they have a shit tone of alcohol so bring some over pleaseee"

Richelle rolled her eyes, hung up the phone and began to get ready. She never really got dressed up and the only makeup she ever did was competition makeup and she for sure wasn't doing that today, so she slapped some foundation and bronzer on, straightened her hair and called it a day. She went to the cellar in her house and it was very big, as was everything else in her house really. She grabbed various spirits and a few bottles of wine and threw them in a bag. Richelle wasn't a big drinker at all, she didn't want to jeopardise her health in case it affects her dancing, and she hated the idea of being out of control of what she says and does so she stuck to a small amount of low percent drinks normally but she knew Adam was a big drinker and from stories she'd heard so were most of his friends so she grabbed a lot.

"Hi! So glad you decided to come" Adam said as she walked through the door

"Adam I hope this isn't your idea of a small gathering" Richelle said as she looked around to see groups of people everywhere and hear music that was literally shaking the house it was that loud

"Oh no this is definitely a party" Adam replied

"Yeah I'm not in the mood for this" Richelle says and as she attempts to walk out the still open door but before she can Adam grabs her wrist and shut it

"This is like kidnapping Adam" she says in a joking tone but she really didn't want to be there and wasn't happy. "Why do you want me here so bad anyway, there's like at least 70 other people here, why do you care if I'm here" Richelle says

"Welllll your not in dance at the moment and at school you barely talk to anyone so I think you should come speak to some people and make some friends" Adam says and Richelle just rolls her eyes. "And I may or may not of promised some boy you'd be here"

"What!" Richelle said angrily

"He's a bit of a dancer and has always found you really pretty. He found out we were friends and I promised you'd be here"

"Great" Richelle replied sarcastically. Her ex boyfriend Elliot was a dancer and it didn't end well. Straight male dancers are often full of themselves and way too career driven and Richelle knew she was the exact same which is why it didn't work with Elliot .

Richelle gave Adam the drinks which he was very happy with and then she walked off.

Adams house was massive, about the same size as hers and she'd been there before many times so she headed to the back of the house to sit in a small quiet room that she doubted anyone was in. But when she opened the door someone was in there and it was the last person she expected to see.

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