Friday morning😝

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Ozzy spent the week in school but he definitely wasn't acting himself. He was normally an incredibly social person who barely ever stopped talking but the last few days he'd been quite the opposite. 

It was Friday and he woke up feeling different, he felt a wave of energy and motivation because he knew exactly what he needed.

He was getting ready for school and facetimed Kingston and Heath and surprisingly, considering it was like 6:30 am, they both answered

"Ozzy what on earth do you want?" Heath asked

"Boys we need to dance." Ozzy said excitedly

"What?" Kingston said laughing

"Well, we haven't been to a class in like a month or something and I actually really miss it" Ozzy said. He believed taking a dance class would help him to feel more like himself and he had also been thinking a lot about Richelle and how lonely she must be staying on her own and not having dance but he knew she'd never hang out with him or anyone really but something she would 100% do is go to a dance class.

"I mean that's true but how can we take a class when our studio's shut?" Heath asked

"My aunty and uncle own that hip hop studio remember and I'm pretty sure they have a few senior classes on a Friday so I'll text one of them and ask if we can go"

"You know what that sounds fun" Kingston said

"Are you going to ask Henry and Finn?" Heath said

"No probably not. I thought about it and they've been posting pictures of themselves doing loads of things together and we never get invited so why should I invite them?"

"Fair enough" Heath said

"And I was going to ask Richelle to come and Izzy might join us too so there wouldn't be room in the car anyway"

"Izzy should definitely come, and I'd love to see Richelle as well" Heath said

Ozzy pulled a face and thought that was a bit weird "That's the most enthusiastic you've ever sounded" he said

"Well Izzy's really fun and a great hip hop dancer and I miss talking to people in A troupe who aren't you two so I'd like to see Richelle" Heath replied

"Hmmm okay" Ozzy said, still a little confused and unimpressed with the comment

"Do you think Richelle will even come?" Kingston asked, knowing both times he suggested she should hang out with them she completely ignored it and implied she didn't want to

"It's a dance class. Richelle won't pass up an opportunity to dance and to impress a bunch of new people with how good she is" Ozzy replied

"That's true I guess" Kingston said

"So it's sorted I text my aunty?"

"Yep" Kingston and Heath both replied

"Cool I'll text you details" Ozzy said before leaving the call

He messaged his Aunty and she said there was a senior class at 7pm and another one straight after at 9 so he text back saying he'd double check how many of them where going to go.

He was about to call Richelle to ask her if she'd come but decided to ask her a different way.

He knocked on Izzy's door and he guessed she was still asleep as she didn't answer so he walked in

"Hey Izzy get up" he said shaking her

Eventually she sat up

"This is why you need to fall asleep early, if I hadn't come in to tell you something you wouldn't of woke up for school"

Izzy rolled her eyes

"What did you come to tell me?"

"I'm just going to the shop, I'll be back in like 20 minutes to drive us to school"

"Why on earth are you going to the shop at this time?"

"I'll tell you later" Ozzy says before leaving to drive to the shop.

He went to the shop, got what he needed and drove back home to get Izzy.

"So why did you need to go the shop at like 7 in the morning?" Izzy asked

"To get something for someone"

"Get what for who?"

Ozzy shrugged his shoulders

"Ozzy you said you'd tell me!" Izzy said

"Fine it's for Richelle"

"Why are you buying presents for Richelle?"

"Long story" Ozzy replied "But do you wanna to Marco and Andrea's studio for some hip hop classes tonight? Me and some of the boys are going and I'm going to ask Richelle aswell"

"Is Heath going?" Izzy asks

"Why do you care?" Ozzy replies feeling suspicious of why Heath and Izzy both seem desperate to see each other

"I don't really, just asking because he spent quite a bit of time with B troupe when we were in the studio so I've spoken to him more than the rest of 'the boys'"

"Well that's not true because you've seen and spoke to Kingston almost every other day for the last like 4 years"

"I'm guessing you've been speaking to Richelle then, that's surprising" Izzy says, quickly changing the subject from Heath

"Why's that surprising I love talking to Richelle"

"Yeah I more meant it's surprising she'd be speaking to you, I mean obviously you talk a bit in the studio but outside of dance I would of thought she'd want nothing to do with you"

"Why would you think that?" Ozzy says, slightly offended

"Because everyone knows she doesn't speak to anyone outside of dance"

"I guess that's kind of true. Anyway back to the question, will you come tonight or not?"

"I'll see how I feel I might come"

"Okay cool"

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