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85 years ago

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85 years ago

"So what you got there, mate?" One of the fellows asked him while he would stare at the majestic burgundy stone, observing its unique details that every human eye had ever seen.

"Just a stone." Of course, the smuggler would not share his plans. The gem was immediately placed into the pockets of his old ragged clothes. The sailing ship would go along the wild current that was starting to react from the upcoming storm. And the people in it were so used to it that they remained seated at their own spot.

It didn't take long when one of them would stab a sword through a man's chest. Their attention was instantly locked on the man whose eyes were oceanic blue but the rest of his features indicated that he was not one of them but an enemy.

"Give me the stone," he said and his hand was raised, palm was laid open as a gesture. The man who possessed the stone was a greedy man whose hair was black, his monolid eyes' irises were brown, and has young asian features. He would do anything in his power to protect the only object that would make him very rich.

"No." Stubborn as the others would describe it, the other man stared at him with wide eyes, shocked by his reaction.

"What? Man, just give that to them! There's a lot of treasures we can find around in many islands that we will discover," he said. But the man was unconvinced. His glare remained fixated at the taller one, icy eyes would glow against the darkness of the clouds.

He uttered no word. Instead, he took his opportunity to escape from the trapped moment by running past them, pushing one man to make his way. But as soon as he stepped at the edge of the ship to make his jump, an arrow was shot straight to his heart, but his hand kept hold of the burgundy rock with a closed fist. His body fell on the ocean until it descended below the surface of the ocean.

"Why did you shoot him? He still has that rock!" The man with the blue eyes scolded one of his folks who was holding a crossbow. The other lowered his head and didn't talk back to their leader. "Jump one of you and make sure you get that stone!"

"Yes, sir." Two of the men jumped off the ship while the blue-eyed man ordered the others to capture and murder the rest of them. However, the body was nowhere to be found.

"What do you mean there's nobody down there?" The blue-eyed man responded after his two men came back to the ship. Their facial features would tell how they would fear their leader that they would obediently follow him despite the obvious danger of their lives.

"We swam down below and we didn't see any body, or his body," one of them stated, partially stuttering with his words.

The blue-eyed man growled then he immediately stabbed one of them before he was thrown out of the ship. "Find him and I will not rest until I will not get that stone," he swore while his oceanic eyes glint with determination.

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