6. Tension at the Table

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When I walked through my front door, I was half expecting to wake up from a dream. It didn't seem real that I could have possibly gone to a movie with Eddie Munson. But when I walked through the door, I wasn't greeted with a spoiled dream, instead I was greeted with Nancy giving me a knowing smirk. 

"How's Eddie?" She inquired.

I blushed. She must have seen me outside the house getting out of his van. I met her gaze. "He's good." I said as a smile crept across my face. 

"So... I need details!" Nancy said to me excitedly.

"Okay, okay" I agreed and motioned her to follow me up to my room. We spent the next twenty minutes talking about my night out with Eddie. The whole time I was telling her about it, Nancy did not once judge or criticize my choice to hang out with Eddie. I really appreciated it. In fact, she was super supportive and excited for me. It was weird, but also really nice being on the receiving line of the sisterly love for once. 

"I feel silly getting so giddy over a movie with a friend. I mean... Eddie never once insinuated that this was a date. But I can't help it." I shared with Nancy.

Nancy looked at me like I was crazy. "Y/N, based on what you told me, this was a date. I mean, he picked you up, paid for your tickets and your concessions, and opened and closed doors for you. Those are things that only guys on dates do."

I nodded my head in agreement. "That's true, but I don't want to make assumptions. Eddie is... well, Eddie. And I'm me, the invisible person that people walk right by at school without giving a second thought to."

Nancy put her hand on my shoulder. "You may think you're invisible, but Eddie saw you and he's definitely giving you more than a second thought." She then gave me a hug and wished me goodnight. 

I went to bed considering what Nancy had said. Eddie has given me more attention than anyone at school ever has. He had complimented me and seemed to have flirted with me. There's no denying that he definitely has some sort of interest in me. If only I had the courage to act on these suspicions. Instead, I'll just have to lay in bed and dream about it like I usually do. 


The following morning, all of us Wheelers were sitting around the table eating breakfast when the phone rang. My mom got up to answer it and after hearing who it was, she hollered over to the table, "Eddie's on the phone". Both Mike and I started to stand up to pick up the phone and made awkward eye contact with each other. I could feel the tension between the two of us. Him questioning why I would assume the call was for me and me feeling embarrassed that I assumed it was. We stood there in this position for an uncomfortable amount of time before my mom yelled again, "Mike! Come on!"

I sat back down in embarrassment. I should have known that Eddie would be calling for Mike and not me. Nancy looked at me and just laughed and of course my dad hadn't noticed any of this. My mom came and sat back down to continue eating her breakfast. Mike returned shortly after.

"What did Eddie want?" My mom asked Mike as he took his seat.

"He's working on a new campaign for Hellfire and needed to know something about my character." Mike took a sip of his orange juice and then looked at me. "He also wanted me to say hi to Y/N for him."

I just about choked on my pancakes. My mom looked over at me with concern and confusion. "Are you and Eddie friends?" She asked me.

I looked down at my plate, pushing my pancakes around with my fork

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I looked down at my plate, pushing my pancakes around with my fork. "No...I mean, kind of." I admitted shyly.

"Kind of? What do you mean?" My mom asked curiously.

Nancy butted in. "She means that she and Eddie went to a movie together last night." I kicked Nancy under the table, but she just smirked.

"Wait. You and Eddie went on a date?!" Mike asked eagerly.

"It wasn't a date!" I defended.

"It was definitely a date." Nancy argued.

The table fell silent. I knew there was no point in my arguing, Nancy and Mike would just gang up on me. My mom finally spoke up. "Well, whatever it was, I'm happy for you sweetie. I think it's good that you're getting out more." Mike stifled a laugh and I glared daggers back at him. Everyone knew that it was big for me to have gone out, whether it was a date or not. It was just embarrassing that my mom had to bring it up.

I did get worried that my dad would have something to say, I had lied to him last night about who I was going with and now he knew. But looking over at him, he was oblivious just reading the paper and drinking his coffee. He probably didn't even remember that I said I was going with Robin last night and probably wasn't paying enough attention to know that I actually went with Eddie. I had often wished that my dad was more involved or cared more, but in this moment, I was grateful that he was the kind of father he was. 

I spent the rest of my Sunday up in my room working on schoolwork and trying to move on from the embarrassment of the morning. Additionally, I was trying my very hardest to avoid Mike. Although he had mentioned previously that he liked the idea of Eddie and I together, I knew he would still give me crap about it. The worst part is that Eddie and I aren't even together, but now my whole family seems to think we are. I can't imagine what will happen if Eddie and I ever do become an actual item. 

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