14. More Than Anything

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Eddie showed me around, giving me a theatrical tour of his trailer. He was such an interesting person. In public he was outgoing, intense, and loud, however when he was alone with me he was sweet, reserved, and introspective. But no matter where he was, he was dramatic and comical. His silly and over the top tour confirmed all this. 

In addition to his quirkiness, he was obsessed with his guitar and, when compared to the entire tour, spent a disproportionate amount of time showing it off to me. When Eddie took his guitar off of it's stand, he brought up the conversation from lunch earlier that day. "I know you said you prefer drummers, but my guitar is my sweetheart. No drum riff will ever outshine her in my opinion." 

I laughed. "Hey, I didn't say that guitar players were unattractive you know, I just said that drummers were more attractive." I paused and then gave him a mischievous look. "But maybe you can change my mind." Apparently I was feeling bold because my comment surprised even me.

Eddie looked at me flirtatiously. "Oh yeah?" He said as he made the space between us even smaller.

I just stood looking up into Eddie's eyes because I had no idea what to say. I was not a flirty person and did not know what I was doing. All I knew was that the closer Eddie got to me, the more frazzled I became and the closer I wanted him to get. He was mere inches from my face now. In that moment all I could do was wish that he would press his lips to mine.

He must have read my mind, because he granted my wish. Eddie placed his hands on my face and neck and pulled me into him, disintegrating the remaining space between us. I felt the cool metal of his rings press into my skin as he kissed me with both care and passion. I was in heaven. 

Much to my dismay, Eddie pulled away and took a few steps back

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Much to my dismay, Eddie pulled away and took a few steps back. "I'm sorry." He apologized quietly and looked at the floor.

I was so confused.

"Don't apologize. I was more than on board with what just happened... Why are you sorry?" I asked with concern.

Eddie looked up, his eyes peering into mine. He took a deep breath and then explained. "I shouldn't have kissed you. We shouldn't get involved like that..."

"Why not?" I asked defensively.

Eddie did not break his eye contact with me and answered seriously. "Do you really not see how different we are, Y/N? You are a straight A student who is going to go to college, get a great job, and live a successful life. Me? I'm a drug dealing super senior who will probably be stuck in Hawkins for the rest of his life... You deserve someone that won't hold you back..." 

His words astonished me. I could not believe that Eddie actually thought these things. "Eddie, you can't really believe that, can you? You have done the opposite of hold me back. You are helping me expand my boundaries and explore new things. If anything, you are pushing me forward and helping me be a better person."

Eddie attempted a smile. "I'm glad you think that, but-"

I interrupted him. "But nothing. It's not your decision how I live my life. If I want to risk some sort of imaginary future by getting involved with you, that is my choice."

"Do you though?" Eddie questioned moving closer to me.

"Do I what?" I asked.

"Do you want to get involved with me?" He asked, even closer now.

I replied with no hesitation. "More than anything."

At my words, Eddie finished closing the gap between us and kissed me with even more affection and intensity than he had just mere minutes earlier. He pulled away from the kiss, but kept his arms wrapped around me. "I want that too."


Eddie and I spent the next few hours chatting in his room about anything and everything: movies, books, music, etc. Our conversation seemed more meaningful and lively now knowing how we both felt about each other. Eddie was still hesitant about us being together, but we came to an agreement. We would explore this relationship, go on dates, and get to know each other, but we would do it without officially declaring ourselves as a couple. 

I was disappointed because I of course wanted Eddie to be my boyfriend, but I had to respect Eddie's concerns as well. He didn't want us to be so committed to each other until he felt that he wasn't going to ruin my chances at having a great future. Having this kind of arrangement kept things low stakes and safe. 

It was approaching nine o'clock and I knew I had to get home. This was my first time ever going out on a school night and I didn't want to ruin my chances of it happening again by arriving home late. Eddie drove me home and held my hand the whole way back. When he parked outside my house, he leaned over and gave me a goodbye kiss. He was so sweet, I really couldn't comprehend how he thought he would be bad for me. 

I had almost forgotten about why I went over to Eddie's in the first place until I opened the door and almost ran right into Nancy. "Sorry" I muttered and went to head up to my room.

"Are you and Eddie a thing now?" She asked with both judgement and curiosity.

"Why should you care?" I asked. "It's not like you're my keeper." I snapped throwing her own words back in her face. Before Nancy had a chance to respond, I ran up to my room and locked the door. I wasn't going to let another argument with Nancy ruin the great mood I was in from my evening with Eddie. My conflict with Nancy would have to wait until the morning. 

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