18. A Favor

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I was finishing up my breakfast when the familiar sound of Eddie's van horn rang through my ears. After dropping off my dishes in the kitchen, I grabbed my backpack and ran out the door. Eddie and I had been officially dating for three weeks now and it had become our norm for him to pick me up in the mornings. He didn't need to give me a ride, as Nancy drove Mike and I to school daily, but he insisted. I wasn't going to complain, I very much enjoyed our one on one time on our short drives to school. 

"Good morning, sweetheart." Eddie said as I climbed into the passenger seat.

I turned to look at him with amusement in my eyes, "Sweetheart? That's new. I thought you just affectionately called me the other Wheeler?" 

Eddie turned to look at my directly in the eyes. I felt his gaze, it was as if he was seeing all of me, all the way down to my soul. "I don't really think that's fitting anymore. Do you?"

I gave him a smile. "I suppose it isn't."

Eddie was right. I was so much more than just the "other wheeler" to both him and my classmates. Eddie and I developed such a deep connection over the past few weeks. At this point, he probably knows me better than even Nancy or Mike. I am able to be my true self around him without any fear of judgement, which is such a profound feeling.

Things at school have been different as well. People actually see me when they look at me now. And if they don't know my name, then they at least know that I'm Eddie Munson's girlfriend. I no longer feel invisible at school and feel more confident everyday. Sometimes I wish that it hadn't taken the attention of a man in order to feel this way, but I'm just happy with where my life is going right now that I try not to dwell on it too much.

The sound of Eddie's voice brought me back to the present.

"So I was thinking that you should come watch me and the rest of Corroded Coffin perform tonight at The Hideout."

My heart ached at his request. My mom would never let me stay out late on a Tuesday night, especially not to hang out in a bar to watch a metal band play. "I don't know Eddie, I really don't think my mom will let me." I said apologetically.

Eddie's shoulders dropped in disappointment. "It would mean a lot to me if you were there, Y/N." He said as he squeezed my hand, almost begging me to come.

I thought about what he said and tried to see any possibility of me being able to go. I let out a long exhale. "I'll see if I can call in a favor from someone who owes me big time."

With that, a wide smile grew across his face. We drove the rest of the way to school in silent excitement, anticipating the possible evening to come.


When the bell rang signaling for lunch, I made it my mission to find Nancy. As I was walking through the halls, I ran into Robin. I twinge of guilt ran through me. While I had been spending so much time with Eddie, I had been spending less and less time with Robin. 

"Hey, Y/N, it's really good to see you. Feels like forever ago since we last chatted." She said with a hint of annoyance.

"Robin! I know. I'm so sorry. I've just been really busy lately and I've been spending most of my free time with Eddie... So how are things?" I asked, trying to heal any wounds to our friendship.

"Things have actually been going really well. And actually, there's something I've been meaning to tell you." She admitted. "I-"

"Hold that thought!" I blurted as I saw Nancy out of the corner of my eye. "I gotta go, but I'll check in with you soon. I want to know what you have to tell me."

"Oh, ok..." Robin said disappointedly as I ran after Nancy.

I wrapped my arm around Nancy's shoulders and looked at her with innocence in my eyes. "My lovely sister, I am calling in one of the many favors you owe me."

Nancy shook my arm off her shoulders and turned to face me. "What do you need me to do?"

I was surprised she didn't protest, but she and I both knew that she did in fact owe me many many favors after the countless times I covered for her and Jonathan. 

"Eddie is performing at The Hideout tonight. I want to go, but I know mom would never let me. I need you to tell her that I'm studying at a friend's house and that I'll be home late."

Nancy took a deep breath and then sighed. "Easy enough. Just promise me you'll be safe, okay?"

"Of course." I replied, not entirely sure what she was referring to. I gave her a hug in thanks before making my way to my regular seat beside Eddie in the cafeteria.

As I sat down, Eddie asked, "You call in that favor yet?"

I grinned. "Yep. Nancy is going to cover for me with my mom."

He looked surprised. "How'd you convince her to do that?"

I laughed a bit. "It didn't take any convincing, she knows I've covered for her plenty of times when she and her boyfriend wanted to hang out."

Eddie looked even more surprised. "I guess I didn't know you Wheelers as well as I thought." He joked.

"You have no idea

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"You have no idea." I responded with a smirk.

While I was eating lunch and enjoying the banter at the table, I couldn't help but look over towards Robin. With me no longer eating with her, she had started sitting with some other band kids. I was happy that she wasn't alone, but couldn't stop myself from feeling like I had built a wall between us. I decided that I would make it a point to find her again this week and find out what she wanted to tell me.

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