bonus chapter 8

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Annie Cunningham is a simple girl.

She joined the cheer team because her sister did, and she looks up to Chrissy more than anyone. She also saw how their parents seem to care about Chrissy so much more - always buying her new clothes and makeup and whatnot - and she decided she wanted in on that stuff.

She always knew she wasn't into guys, feeling especially ostracized whenever she was at sleepovers or just the locker rooms where all the girls would be talking about the latest heartache of the county.

Annie will admit, she wasn't a hundred percent sure Nora was into her, or even girls at all, when she first made a move.

But, obviously, if she wasn't into it, she would've just pushed Annie away, and since she didn't. . .

Annie will also admit she definitely put more into their relationship that Nora did.

The strawberry blonde knew there was someone in Nora's past that kept her from being the perfect girlfriend, and she just needed to find a way to fix that.

So, she used every opportunity she had to gaze romantically into Nora's eyes and make physical contact with her; she could tell Nora wasn't very reciprocative of her actions, but Annie knew she would come around eventually, so all she had to do was try harder.

When Max came into the hospital room, and Annie realized she was the girl Nora was so hung up on, she knew she has one last chance to get Nora to realize they should be together.

I mean, really, it's what the universe wants. Annie knows there must be a reason Nora was brought into her life, and after wishing on every shooting star and penny in a fountain for someone who Annie could be with, it only makes sense for it to be Nora.

Besides, the girl is Steve "The Hair" Harrington's little sister, and apparently her and her friends were dorks in middle school, but Nora's on the same popularity level as Annie, and even she never invites her to her house, Annie knows her and Nora would be a dream couple.

In private, of course.

It's nothing against Nora, it's just, you know how people are, and Annie has done such a great job at pretending to be normal, she's actually feeling it now, so she would never risk that for some girl.

But the hospital room was empty besides the two of them, and it wasn't like Nora was just going to up and walk away without listening to Annie first.

And her sister just died and she was going through a lot emotionally and Nora just always makes her feel better, so she thought nothing would come of it if she just kissed Nora - it'd be just like old times!

And Annie could tell Nora wasn't into it, but most of the time she never really is, so she didn't think much of it.

But now she's not allowed to visit her anymore and every time she tries, Steve always kinda glares slightly at her.

She knows Nora's not one to come around on her own time, and she normally needs a slight push in the right direction, so Annie knows she has to see her somehow,

She'll figure something out, she normally gets what she wants.

hi ik i said the last bonus chapter would b the last one but I wanted to write this before moving on to show u all how Annie loves the idea of Nora but she doesn't love Nora yk 🙂 u will have to wait for s5 for what happens next tho bc it's all part of my master plan 🙂

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