Chapter 20

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'So Cas, what's the plan then?' Ronson sat next to Krieger at the bar in Hideki's, waiting for their crew mates to arrive. They had returned from their meeting with the Galaxy Police the night before and had spent that morning just doing local courier jobs as the next few days would be busy; with a few off planet cargo pick ups and drops. But it would take a while and it gave Krieger and Ronson time to think about the proposition they were offered and gave the higher ups in the Galaxy Police time to fester over their counter offer.

'Ugh I don't wanna think about it.' Krieger mumbled in to her pint. 'Summat tells me taking on that job is the worst idea ever in the history of worst ideas.'

'I'm with you on that. I mean...' Ronson paused as he tried to put what he was thinking in to words. 'How do you even, kill a guy like that and get away from his cult people?'

'Fucked if I know.' Krieger gulped down some of her pint.

The door in to Hideki's rattled as someone pulled it open. Everyone in the entire bar spun their heads round and laid their hands on their weapons, ready for a quick draw in case it was someone after them. Most of the patrons released their grips on their guns and went back to drinking and their conversations; but a few lingered as they stared at the person walking in. It was Daisuke Akiyama. He strolled over to the bar where Sho had just poured him a pint of Kirin, grabbed the glass and made his way over to the table where Krieger and Ronson were sat.

'Krieger. Ronson.' He nodded his head at them then at a free seat, requesting he could sit. Ronson gestured for him to join them.

'How goes it Akiyama? Keiko not with you tonight?' Krieger asked him as she carried on with her own pint.

'It goes. And no, she's at the restaurant but she might be out later.'

'I get the feeling this isn't just a social visit?' Ronson asked the hitman. He nodded before talking.

'I wanted to ask, have the Galaxy Police been in touch with you regarding... a certain eco-terrorist?' He dropped the volume of his voice a touch when he asked.

'They have.' Ronson replied.

'Have you taken them up on their offer?' Akiyama continued his questioning.

'No. Not yet anyway. We told them we wanted more just waiting to see if they come back with a counter offer.' Krieger added.

'Let me give you some advice.' Akiyama started, looking a bit more serious than usual. Which must have been difficult as this guy looked continuously serious anyway. 'Don't take the offer, it's the worst idea ever.'

'Hmm that's what we said.' Ronson replied.

'Trust me on this one. The Galaxy Police and even the EMA have been trying to take this guy out for years and nobody has even come close. They're going through their roster of hitmen till they finally get the job done.' Akiyama said.

'Did they offer you the job?' Krieger said as she downed the rest of her pint, letting out a rather significant burp before signalling to Hideki over at the bar for a pitcher.

'They did. I turned it down.'

Krieger furrowed her eyebrows at Ronson then glared at Akiyama.

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