Chapter Six

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Michael had made himself in to as small a target as possible, kneeling down as low as he could and gently placing his hands behind his head much like some of the others had done, though a lot of them were practically in the foetal position, sobbing and wailing. He looked over to Rene who was knelt beside Tammy with an arm around her trying to keep her low. He watched as he could see the hazing and blurring effect of one of the active camouflaged OWLF members stood behind Rene, the barrel of his gun trained on the guards head. He then glanced over to the twins who had somehow managed to sneak their way closer to the ballroom stage where a staff door that lead backstage, where Zeke had informed everyone that some of the camouflaged terrorists had entered through and had their guns pointed in to the crowd of guests and one aiming at Daniel Price who was cowering behind his DJ setup. A few members of the OWLF had started to line up the guests and whatever staff they could find and made them kneel down side by side. Occasionally a guest would get a sharp nudge to hurry them up, or if a certain guest was a VIP or celebrity; they would be swiftly ushered to another part of the room.

'Get ready guys.'

Michael slowly let his hands fall to his sides, keeping his head down slightly but keeping his eyes focused on what was going on. He gently reached his right hand round to the middle of his back where his soon to be used Glock pistol was resting in a belt holster, nestling his hand on the grip ready to release the safety and fire. He glanced around again and in the corner of his eye he could see the guy who was probably the leader of this group continue prattling on about Conner and his malpractices, waving his gun around haphazardly and occasionally pointing it at random guests who would recoil and whimper in fear.

'Zeke as soon as I take out the ringleader, turn the sprinkler system on. If this is the active camo I think it is, it won't last if it gets wet. Half a minute should do.'

'Sure thing Cas.'

Leaning slightly more to the right trying not to bring any attention to himself, Michael got a slightly better view of the ranting madman. He had turned to face another side of the room to preach but didn't notice that Krieger had promptly crept up beside him just a few yards away with a black scarf wrapped around her hands. She dropped the scarf revealing her two guns; the one in her right hand was swiftly brought up and fired at the side of the madman's head. Within a second the rest of her team sprang in to action and fired at their chosen targets. Michael cracked off his shot without hesitation, hitting his mark right in the side of the neck who dropped to the floor with a thud. Rene quickly grabbed the MP5 submachine gun off the now dead terrorist and told Tammy to stay low and hide under the nearest table, just in time as Zeke had turned the sprinkler system on. Everybody else had fired their guns as soon as the first drops of water hit the attackers, the mists of water interfering with the active camouflage like Krieger knew it would. Jess took out the guy who was aiming at the DJ Daniel Price whilst Faye started firing at the few terrorists who were lingering around the stage door, hitting them with precision thanks to Zeke's IR data they had been sent in real time.

Ronson was covering Margie as she quickly tried to hide Mr and Mrs Conner after shooting the man who had been stood behind her and the Conners. She also grabbed the dropped MP5 and quickly extended the retractable stock and flung the sling over her shoulder. Gun fire rang out through every room, drowning out the noise of whatever music Daniel Price had been playing on every shot. The Osiris crew commanded the guests stay as low as possible in between gunfire exchange from the now visible OWLF members. Most of them were male with the occasional female member, it didn't matter though they were all wanted dead or alive and right now, dead was the most likely outcome. It would be up to the police later to DNA identify them all and find out who they all were.

Krieger and Ronson had promptly synced up with each other, taking out attackers left right and centre making sure they had each other's backs; bullets whizzing past them as they participated in their own little gun fight ballet and savouring every minute of the adrenaline and excitement.

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