Chapter Four

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Krieger had gone for a nap in hopes that it would help her along with the monster hangover she had. Everybody else had gone about their business whether they had work to do or if they went to chill out. Tony and Devin were watching some show on television about classic cars while Justin, Ronson and Michael gathered round the snooker table and had a few games of cards as well as a few beers. Jess and Faye however were still up at the bridge. Zeke was currently piloting ship but the twins stayed up there just in case anything happened. They were quite happy watching their own shows on TV and reading magazines or articles on their holowatches. Michael had won a few rounds of cards much to his surprise as he was never that good at card games. He left Justin and Ronson to it, making his way to the galley where he would start preparing something for dinner.

He set the main speaker in the galley to play whatever was on at that moment on the Galaxy Radio Network. It's was a seventies show, playing some great tunes by The Rolling Stones, David Bowie and some other brilliant bands and artists he actually liked. Michael set about making dinner for everyone, taking everything he had learned earlier in to consideration. He decided to make a fragrant chicken curry with mixed vegetable rice and homemade naan. At least with this he could swap out regular white rice with brown rice especially for Justin as Zeke had informed him that it was okay for his moderately strict diet. He could make it with yoghurt too instead of cream so that would make it a bit healthier. And not too hot either, he didn't want to blow everyone's head off with the first meal.

It was fairly easy to make, Michael knew the recipe off by heart as it was something he enjoyed making plus it tasted really good. He could also leave it to simmer for a little while, which gave him time to go and get accustomed to his quarters. He had brought a few more bits on board but his room didn't really have that much of a lived in, homely feel to it yet. Perhaps when they got to Pacifica he might find something there he liked or he might buy something when they got back to New Edo, maybe some trinkets or some action figures he liked. There was a craft and hobby shop in the nicer part of New Edo quite a bit further up from the port where they sold various model kits, especially Gunpla kits. Michael had always wanted to have a go at building and painting one, maybe even make it a hobby seeing as now he had a good job to actually pay for a hobby. He then remembered that now he could probably do whatever he wanted. Save up for a vehicle, or a holiday somewhere nice or maybe even a nicer apartment.

Michael did a little dance to himself in joy now that he had a good job with decent money. Positively beaming, he made his way through the ship back to the rec room and joined the card game Justin and Ronson were still playing.

'I've made a chicken curry for dinner. It'll be ready in a short while.' Michael announced.

'That's great, haven't had a curry in ages.' Ronson exclaimed.

'Oh I substituted one or two things in it for healthier options,' Michael said to Justin. 'But it won't compromise the taste or flavour.'

'I like this kid already Chris.' Justin said to his Vice Captain. 'I appreciate that. Besides, this lot could benefit from eating healthier than what they've been doing.'

Ronson stuck his tongue out at Justin's remark and carried on fiddling with his cards. 'I'll go wake Cas up in a bit when dinner's ready, she'll be ravenous when she wakes.'

Michael occasionally popped back to the galley to check on the curry he had made which was now properly cooked, he set everything on its lowest temperature and prepared the rice and naan bread which wouldn't take too long. He decided to take stock on the equipment that was in the galley that had never actually been used before. Blenders, food processors, huge stand mixers and random electrical kitchen trinkets like waffle irons and toasted sandwich makers. There was plenty of cutlery and crockery along with loads of baking dishes and tins. Michael had come across an entire drawer dedicated to baking, filled with cookie cutters, piping bags and other baking paraphernalia; some of which had actually been used, showing signs of wear.

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