Chapter Ten

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'Yes Chase fans we can confirm that the con Andrea Toles is in fact armed. Our cameras did detect her earlier on stealing this fine katana from a New Edo resident, which she is now putting to good use. And as you all know, Cassandra Krieger is a prolific sword fighter so if Toles can keep up with her, we may have a brilliant show on our hands! A Con facing off against a hunter like this is a rare occurrence so you better not miss this!'

'Come on guys! The boss is on again!'

Justin shouted to the rest of the crew who were milling about the recreation room of the Osiris. Michael come running back in with his service trolley now full of drinks and a small ice bucket. Devin and Tony who were playing pool put down their cues, ready to come back to their game later while the twins who had gone playing video games in their quarters returned after they received a Chase notification on the holowatches about Krieger finding another con. Zach however had left hours before to go get ready for his stupid date.

'If you're just joining us now, Captain Cassandra Krieger is now currently facing off against con Andrea Toles in a swordfight. Toles did however manage to catch Krieger first in a serious show of aggression by repeatedly hitting her in the face with what appeared to be a garbage can lid. Toles retreated for a moment when Krieger managed to throw her off but she returned with a stolen katana. To whoever has had their katana stole, we aim to return it to you as soon as possible.'

The frighteningly cheerful voice of Chase host Paul Adams rang through the rec room as he provided commentary on what was going on. The live footage of Krieger standing face to face with Toles filled the whole screen with another feed popping up soon after in the corner with a feed from another drone camera that had flown in to capture the ensuing fight from another angle.

The crew of the Osiris made themselves comfortable on the couch and grabbed their drinks, waiting with baited breath for their boss to unleash whatever she had planned. Of course Krieger could just easily draw one of her guns and shoot Toles, but the con had purposely stolen a sword and was now facing Krieger with it in her hands ready to attack. She was out to kill Krieger and get herself a reduced sentence if she managed to accomplish a hunter kill; she'd get a few years knocked off her time and if she was flashy in how she did it she would probably get some cell luxuries. Toles was thinking some real make-up and an endless supply of chocolates whenever she wanted then. Maybe even her own cell and cable TV if she went all out.

Michael watched his boss closely on screen as she effortlessly drew her sword out of its sheathe attached to her belt, draping a touch down her left hip. The camera drones had settled in position to get the best footage. Krieger held the sword in both hands and carefully raised it, positioning the handle just in front of her; vertically from the side of her right shoulder.

'Does the boss know what she's doing? I mean she's standing like she is.' Michael asked the crew. It earned a few chuckles from them. He only asked because he recognised the stance the Captain was in as he was made to take martial arts classes as a child. He remembered his idiot brother used a sword in his "extracurricular" activities but he really didn't want to think about that right now.

'Dude that sword isn't just for show.' Tony laughed. 'The Captain and Ronson have been doing Kenjutsu for years now, this silly bitch doesn't know what she's let herself in for.'

'She'll win, she always does.' Jess said.

'We have money riding on her, we do it all the time she knows this.' Faye continued, holding up her holowatch showing the holographic projection of a betting website that had just updated with "Krieger Vs. Toles."

The crew continued to watch as Andrea Toles readied herself with the sword she had stolen. She held on with both hands out in front of her and the tip of the sword pointing toward Krieger's head.

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