Chapter Eleven

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'Good morning Chase fans and welcome to day two of the Convict Chase with me Terry St. Vincent and Naoko Harada Walker! Thanks to Paul for covering the night shift and letting us get some rest so we can be with you for what we hope is another exciting day!'

Terry St. Vincent was an alarmingly happy and cheerful man today especially as he was fronting the Chase show for a change and wasn't in the shadow of Paul Adams. Naoko even got more screen time too which she relished in. Out of the three hosts, Naoko was an actual journalist and hosted many informative documentaries over the years as well as the New Edo ten o'clock news three nights a week. She enjoyed doing something different once in a while to give herself a break from the seriousness and the Chase was the perfect occasion to do so.

'We're coming up for the first twenty four hour mark, meaning we will have thirty hours, twenty three minutes and fifty seven seconds left of this years Chase. If you haven't been watching, here's a recap of the Chase so far.'

Naoko led the way in to a round up segment showing key moments that had happened. Krieger's first kill mere seconds after the Chase had begun, Daisuke Akiyama's disqualification by killing one of his contracts and not one of the cons, followed by Frank's harbour front shooting and then finishing off with Krieger's second kill of convict Andrea Toles by beheading her with her sword, Inazuma.

'So Captain Krieger is currently in the lead with two kills followed by Frank Da Costa with one. Freddie Wilson is yet to get on the scoreboard and Daisuke Akiyama has been disqualified.'

Michael had the right idea and cooked breakfast for everyone as and when they arrived on the Osiris instead of making everything beforehand. They weren't too late though which wasn't that bad. Instead of preparing the weird greasy breakfasts he was made to make at the café place he worked at before he joined the crew he made a wide array of easy dishes. Eggs benedict with fresh muffins from the bakery up the road, lean bacon and homemade hollandaise sauce, fluffy blueberry pancakes, BLT sandwiches on malted toasted bread and even some options for the body building Justin; of scrambled eggs and avocado on whole-wheat toast and protein pancakes made with bananas. Justin was impressed with Michael's cooking and made it clear that he was quite possibly his most favourite person in the galaxy as he knew what to make and make it well.

'Favourite person in the galaxy next to my wife and kids I should say. She'd kill me, if I didn't say that.' Justin cringed a little bit as he corrected himself.

The crew watched the Chase coverage on a small holoscreen mounted in the ships galley as they ate their breakfast. Funnily enough they were watching the Chase Hunters having breakfast. Freddie was in a typical American diner tucking in to what was essentially desert for breakfast; waffles and pancakes. Frank was in some very fancy French Bistro having coffee from a cafetiere with some very intricate pastries and a selection of fresh fruit and yoghurt.

Krieger however was in fact like she had planned, sat in the West End Breakfast Emporium. The English greasy spoon café owned by Ernie and Cindy Carter from good old London, was big enough to hold a fairly small proportion of the British residents of New Edo and coincidentally was the only place on the whole planet that knew what a full English breakfast was. So it got a lot of business; not only from its British regulars but from people who had heard from said Brits that a full English breakfast was the best thing for curing a hangover. And New Edo was the spiritual home of hangovers.

'What can I get you Cas? The usual?' Cindy asked as she wandered up to the table Krieger was just about to sit down at.

'Better make it a large pot of coffee Cindy I got a long day today ahead of me.' She smiled extra hard at Cindy as she saw she was wearing a Team Krieger badge on her apron.

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