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Two Kerners?!?

Ace and Spade walked down the hall to the classroom. Ace looked at her WSO, she sighed. "This is Top Gun... you got this, Stinger wouldn't have sent you here if he didn't have faith in you." Ace said. Spade sighed, "This is just..." Spade said. "Look you got this... we got this." Ace said to him. He nodded. "If anyone has to worry it's me, I am surrounded by dudes... but I'm used to it, so I have nothing to worry about." Ace assured him, Spade shook his head at the woman.

They stepped into the classroom. The room was waiting for the commander to arrive, Ace and Spade made it down, then sat behind Goose and Maverick. The duo looked back at the two of them. "Glad to see you made it." Maverick said. "And miss this no way." Ace said. Goose smiled at her. She looked over and she saw her brother, Her eyes widen. "Ace you good?" Spade asked. "Well look at what the cat dragged in." Ace said which caused her brother to look over. "Little sis." Slider said which caused the Blonde beside him and the two in front of him to look over. "Oh oh holy shit, two Kerners." Wolfman said. Ace raised her brow then looked at her brother. "We'll speak later." She mouthed and he nodded. Then she looked ahead when the commander stepped into the room.


Commander Mike "Viper" Metcalf made his way up to the front. "Gentleman and Miss, you are the top 1% all naval aviators." Viper said as he then turned to face everyone. "The elite..best of the best... we'll make you better. Fly at least two combat missions a day, ten classes in between and evaluations of your performance." "Now on each combat sequence, you're gonna meet a different challenge, Every encounter is gonna be much more difficult..." Ace felt eyes on her then she looked over at the man beside her brother, he smiled at her which caused her to smile back at him then she looked back at Viper. "We're gonna teach you to fly the f-14 right to the edge of the envelope faster than you've ever flown before, more dangerous." 

"We don't make policy here gentlemen and miss, elected officials, civilians do that, we are the instruments of that policy and although we're not at war, we must always act as we are at war."  Viper said. 

Spade looked at the woman. "That man has been staring at you the whole time we been in here." Spade whispered to her. Ace looked at him. "Ah, My WSO is concern about my well being, He isn't the one you should be worrying about, because he is fine to me, don't know about you but you should be worrying about the two in front of them who looks like they got a hard on." Ace whispers. Goose and Maverick, bit their tongue not to laugh. Spade's eyes widen at the woman humor. "You are too sensitive Spade, I was joking, trying to loosen that nervousness out of you, even Goose and Maverick thought so., Just relax please." Ace assures him.

"In case some you wonder whose the best is, there up here on this plaque up here on the wall. The best driver and their RIO from each class has their name on it and they have the option to come back here to be Top Gun instructors. Do you think your name is going to be on that plaque?" Viper questioned.

"Yes sir." Both Ace and Maverick answer. "That's pretty arrogant considering the company, both of you are in." Viper said to the both of them. Slider looked over at his sister, the one thing he could say, she was always confident.

"Yes sir." They both answer Viper again. "I like that in a pilot, remember when it's over out there, we're on the same team." Viper replied.

"Gentlemen and Miss, this school is about combat, there no points for second place.... Dismissed." Viper said and everyone got up from their seats. 

"The plaque for the alternates is down in the ladies room." The blonde answer which caused Ace to raise a brow as she was amused and Goose to lose it. "Oh Jesus, oh you kill me, you really do." Goose said as he then turned around and looked at the plaque. "No no no, There's two O's in Goose boys." He said as he looked at the plaque. 

"Who the hell spells goose wrong?" Spade said. Ace looked over at her WSO and rolled her eyes playfully. "Only you would point out the obvious." Ace said as the both stepped out of the classroom. "I am being serious here Ace, Goose is spelled with two O's." Spade said and she couldn't help but giggled. "I know Spade." Ace said. "Hey everyone is going out tonight? You going?" Ace then questioned him. Spade shrugged his shoulders.

She stopped and looked at him. "Spade... you can't stay cooped up, you need to loosen up a bit, we are here, we made it, time to step out of your shell, I'm going, I hope to see you there buddy." Ace said. Spade nodded.


She went to room, everyone was going to the bar tonight. She took down her bun and fixed it. She looked into the mirror. She was having thoughts about her past. How furious her father was when he found out she applied to the navy behind his back but she remember that Slider was always there to defend her, it always ended up a shouting battle between the two of them. Always every time her father would tell her... "Your never going to make it, women never makes it in a man's position, not one woman as dare to try, because they know their place, it doesn't belong in the navy or being a pilot, it belongs at home in the kitchen and having their husband's children." 

She cringed at that comment that stayed stuck in her mind, then she smirked in the mirror, "Look at me now bastard, both Ron and I made it you piece of shit, made it to Top Gun." She said to herself as she put her hair into the tight bun. She grabbed her white uniform and put it on. She looked at herself in the mirror. "Okay, let's have a grand time tonight." She said to herself as she stepped out of her room, then made her way to the bar.

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